Thursday, September 21, 2017

Children found alive in Mexican earthquake, but, are still in peril. NEEDS INTERNATIONAL HELP!

September 21, 2017
by Matt Gutman, M.I. Nestal and Morgan Winsor

Rescuers continue (click here) to frantically dig through the rubble of a collapsed school in Mexico City two days after a 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck, killing hundreds.
It has become a race against time to save the children inside the crumbled structure. A pediatrician who is caring for the children once they have been extricated said the biggest threat facing those still inside the rubble is hypothermia....
Basic rescue equipment such as inflatable pillows to raise concrete off sensitive areas. There are basic medical supplies direly needed.

The USA has it's own problems, but certainly there is equipment that can find itself to Mexico to assist the people there.