Tuesday, August 22, 2017

The American racist issue.

The Charlottesville mayor and council meeting devolved into a public comment meeting after arrests of protesters.

The cities in North Carolina have increased police patrols around statues. They are adding patrol cars to the payroll. The cost of leaving these statues in limbo is going to cost the people more tax dollars. Take them down.

Durham shut down their main street in fear of a White Supremacist march.

August 22, 2017
By Barry Yeoman

The fear was that Klansmen would come to replicate the violence that had just racked Charlottesville.

Last Friday morning, (click here) a report spread through my hometown of Durham, North Carolina, that white supremacists were descending on downtown. “We are carefully monitoring the situation,” said an all-points bulletin to city workers, “and are taking precautions to ensure the safety of employees and visitors.” County offices shut down early. Downtown businesses followed. The sheriff’s office reviewed intelligence and notified community leaders. My synagogue moved most of its Torah scrolls. A City Council member tweeted that the Ku Klux Klan was marching at noon....

Economies cannot sustain with racist issues. Tourism will wane. It is time to take down the icons of hate.

August 22, 2017
By Laufen Meltzer and Tony Dokoupil

"In all of our years of tracking, (click here) we've never seen this many [hate] groups," Heidi Beirich told CBS correspondent Tony Dokoupil. Beirich is the director of Southern Poverty Law Center's (SPLC) Intelligence Project, which monitors hate group activity online. "We've never seen their ideas penetrating the mainstream the way they are. I would say most Americans don't realize how much of this there is."

President Kennedy saw an uptick in White Supremacist activity, but, for very different reasons than it is occurring under Trump.

Evidently, White Supremacists have a history of being predatory. Parents need to earn more per hour (raise the minimum wage) and spend time with their children. The children need them. The Working Poor are burdened with many ills which complicate their lives and opens them to Foster Parents and Adoption Subsidies.

August 21, 2017
By Megan Holohan
Picciolini felt proud of his culture, which he had learned about from his parents who immigrated from Italy in the 1960s. But while his parents taught him many things about his heritage, he also felt abandoned by them. They worked 14-hour days seven days a week and didn’t notice his love of music or baseball.
“They weren’t involved and they didn’t see they should foster (my interests). I went looking for that elsewhere,” he told TODAY.
Picciolini had no friends; his classmates thought he was that weird Italian kid who brought Nutella sandwiches to school. When this man talked to him, Picciolini felt less alone.
“The way he approached me is that he cared,” he said.
When Picciolini first started hanging out with neo-Nazis, he simply ran errands for them, enjoying how school bullies were suddenly afraid of him and his new friends. At the time, he didn’t follow their bigoted ideas. His parents weren't racist and had diverse friends.

“I didn’t have that foundation of racism,” he said....

The Middle Class is important to the outcome of our young people.

Enough of this mess.

Increase the minimum wage, rehab drug and alcohol dependency and return the Middle Class to their unions.

Walmart and McDonald's can PRETEND their jobs are FIRST TIME JOBS for young people, but, Newt Gingrich changed all that with his Contract with America and the emergence of the Working Poor.