By Jessica Schulbert, Paul Blumenthal
Washington - The Russian lawyer (click here) President Donald Trump’s son, son-in-law and campaign chairman met last year with the understanding she would provide damaging information the Russian government had acquired on Hillary Clinton was simultaneously leading a lobbying effort to repeal U.S. sanctions that Russian President Vladimir Putin loathes.
Natalia Veselnitskaya, a lawyer for a powerful Russian oligarch and government official, met with Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner and then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort on June 9, 2016, at Trump Tower, according to emails Trump Jr. released Tuesday. Veselnitskaya never delivered the damaging information on Clinton, Trump Jr. told The New York Times. But her interests were nevertheless in sync with the Kremlin’s: She was working to repeal the Magnitsky Act, a 2012 law that imposed sanctions on several Russian officials and businessmen.
Who would ever guess they were meeting with a Russian spy?
I get it. Trump. Beautiful women. Hollywood. Sure, I can see why Putin might think it would be better if they were not seen with anyone that actually looked like a Russian spy. That is so very Russia.
But, besides the drama, that is the case in fact. Russia provides information about Clinton and among the first act by Trump is to remove the sanctions. Case closed. Treason, sedition, financial market violations. What is Sessions doing in California when his elustrius leader may be served impeachment documents?
Oh, this is what Sessions is up to. Oppression of the masses of women. What ever happened to Freedom of Speech?
July 12, 2017
By Prachi Gupta
Prosecutors from the Department of Justice (click here) have asked a judge to uphold the jury’s “guilty” verdict against Code Pink activist Desiree Fairooz, who was arrested for laughing at Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ confirmation hearing in January. Her sentencing is scheduled on Friday. She, along with two other Code Pink protesters, could face up to a year in prison.
Capitol Police Officer Katherine Coronado, a rookie cop with no prior experience covering Congressional hearings, arrested Fairooz after she laughed during the Jan. 10 hearing. The jury foreperson told the Huffington Post they “did not agree that she should have been removed for laughing,” but believed that Fairooz was guilty of disorderly conduct and unlawful parading for raising a protest sign and yelling after she was escorted away. “She did not get convicted for laughing. It was her actions as she was being asked to leave,” the foreperson said....
Limbaugh is a crony, too. What is more important, Limbaugh or Freedom of Speech.
July 12, 2017
By Luke Dolan
The Department of Justice (DoJ) (click here) has refused to explain why a meeting with an anti-gay group undertaken by Attorney General Jeff Sessions was held behind closed doors.
Sessions, a key ally of US President Donald Trump, met members of the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) at a closed event in Orange County, California, supposedly to discuss religious liberty.
The news was first broken by Buzzfeed journalist Dominic Holden, who said on Twitter the DoJ declined to comment on the meeting.
The ADF is involved in a landmark Supreme Court case on same-sex marriage, centring on a Christian baker in Colorado, Jack Phillips, who refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple. The group has backed Phillips in his case....
Justice won't confirm or deny the meeting Sessions spoke in with Anti-LGBT White Supremacists.