Robert (Bob) D. Evans (click here) of ESRL Global Monitoring Division receives the prestigious IO3C Farman Award Nomination For Sustaining a Long-term Inter-calibrated World-wide Dobson Total Ozone Observing Network.
The "Joseph C. Farman Award" is granted to one or more outstanding scientists who have created and used high-quality, long-term time series of atmospheric measurements related to the study of atmospheric ozone and/or surface ultraviolet radiation.
Robert Evans dedicated 40 years of service to upgrading and calibrating Dobson Spectrophotometers in the global ozone network by leading international calibration campaigns and writing WMO reports that document the history of the network and demonstrate the improvement in its performance. He was instrumental in promoting the continuation of ground-based Dobson ozone observations, including the rebuilding of Dobson instruments on every continent, often under very challenging conditions.
Bob’s thorough knowledge of the Dobson instrument led to significant improvements in the measurement capabilities and testing/calibration procedures of this cornerstone of the global ozone observing network....