Friday, April 29, 2016

I would advise Puerto Rico to file their status with the United Nations. The humanitarian crisis should have been avoided at all costs to the USA. 

This can be viewed though ethnic cleansing outcomes. It sounds harsh but who ever thought Puerto Rico would be suffering to this degree. 

When the earthquake struck Haiti, there was significant relief sent by the USA. Why is Puerto Rico different unless it is based in racial issues known to the USA Congress with a majority of Republicans.

There is no excuse for this. 

Any ethnicity on Earth has the right to seek attention from the United Nations. It needs to start now and should have begun a decade ago.

Besides the obvious deterioration of Puerto Rico's economy, there are issues with Zika. That health emergency has resulted in travel warnings. Puerto Rico would be suffering from economic downturn anyway at this point in it's history as a USA possession. The legislature needed from the USA should include much needed humanitarian supplies. This issue is no longer simply some kind of mismanagement, but, is a sincere and what seems like permanent health emergency. 

When the Haiti 7.0 earthquake hit on January 12, 2010; the Congress was a Democratic majority in both legislative houses and there was no hesitation to the response. The USA military was even dispatched because of the turmoil. The USA's moral content is horrible under this Congress and getting worse with the awareness of these people.