Go get 'em, Rand. Medical marijuana and it's oils should not even be an issues anymore.
''The Tenth Amendment (click here) was intended to confirm the understanding of the people at the time the Constitution was adopted, that powers not granted to the United States were reserved to the States or to the people. It added nothing to the instrument as originally ratified.''
The Tenth Amendment is exploited by the right wing to ignore federal statues including Roe v. Wade and the Voting Rights Act. State's rights exists but the Republicans take it too far.
The Climate Crisis
For as young as Marco Rubio is, he is not in step with his generation. Denying the existence of a warming Earth is not reality anymore simply to 'keep an economy the way it is.'
Current day Republicans do not embrace the Middle Class. If they embraced the middle class they would find a far different and more viable economy. Alternative energies demands small business to create jobs. It doesn't take a corporation to install solar panels or wind mills. The entire idea a fifty year old economic paradigm based in Wall Street pre-China is hideous. For many reasons it is hideous.
Rand is correct. Parents should feel they have control over their child's wellness and the impact of vaccines on that child's future, but, after one year the parents postponing vaccines falls apart. The myelin sheath is intact after one year old. The vaccines can't come in contact with insulated nerves at that time going forward. That standard will provide for safe school environments. Babies receive their mother's antibodies when they breast feed. The reason the vaccines are necessary is because breast milk is passive immunity and vaccines are active immunity. The antibodies don't hurt children when their myelin sheath is intact.
Jeb Bush has got to be joking. He is hopeless. Margaret Thatcher on the $20 bill will cause riots. Another one that knows little to nothing about American women, Governor Kasich who wants Mother Teresa on the $20 bill.
Governor Christi would want the secret service to call him "True Heart." I that is more correct than another. I liked the idea of Abigail Adams.
As John Adams (click here) was busy hammering out a new government, Abigail Adams expressed concern about how women would be treated. In one of her many letters to her husband, she requested that he “Remember the Ladies, and be more generous and favourable to them than your ancestors. Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the Husbands. Remember all Men would be tyrants if they could. If perticuliar care and attention is not paid to the Laidies we are determined to foment a Rebelion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any Laws in which we have no voice, or Representation.” Odd spellings aside, Abigail often expressed her thoughts on political matters with her husband. Throughout his career, Abigail had served as his unofficial adviser. Their letters show him seeking her counsel on many issues, including his presidential aspirations.
Another Dolly Madison. For her involvement in American policy she even appears to be the first Mamie Eisenhower or Elenore Roosevelt.
Some critics objected to Abigail’s influence over her husband, calling her “Mrs. President.”
I think 3 hours was too long. Less commercials, more content. IT IS CABLE NEWS!!! They forget about that these days.
...But lost in the polarized debate (click here) over Planned Parenthood is a fact that Bush would likely prefer not to highlight: His family, dating back to his grandfather, was instrumental in launching and securing federal funding for the group.
During the 1940s, when contraception was a controversial and largely taboo topic, Jeb Bush's grandfather, Prescott Bush, was an active supporter of Planned Parenthood, which was founded by Margaret Sanger in 1921 as the American Birth Control League. In 1947, Bush served as treasurer of the group's first national fundraising campaign—a move he would soon come to regret. In 1950, Prescott Bush narrowly lost an election for a US Senate seat in Connecticut after a columnist revealed his connection to the "Birth Control Society." (He went on to win a Senate seat two years later.)...
I think the Republicans are over compensating for the past involvement. The fact of the matter is Planned Parenthood has provided ESSENTIAL services to women for decades. There is no reason that should change.
Carly Fiorina made a good impression. It finally put a Republican women on the stage as an equal with Republican men. She is very well poised. There was one statement to be noted that might be a strength and that was her knowledge of international banks to immediately institute sanctions. I don't know if she is exclusively competent in that area within all the candidates, but, no other candidate opened up that dialogue. It was in relation to Iran so they may have a different approach. Donald Trump probably deals frequently with international banks, but, he never addressed that as a particular competency.
''The Tenth Amendment (click here) was intended to confirm the understanding of the people at the time the Constitution was adopted, that powers not granted to the United States were reserved to the States or to the people. It added nothing to the instrument as originally ratified.''
The Tenth Amendment is exploited by the right wing to ignore federal statues including Roe v. Wade and the Voting Rights Act. State's rights exists but the Republicans take it too far.
The Climate Crisis
For as young as Marco Rubio is, he is not in step with his generation. Denying the existence of a warming Earth is not reality anymore simply to 'keep an economy the way it is.'
Current day Republicans do not embrace the Middle Class. If they embraced the middle class they would find a far different and more viable economy. Alternative energies demands small business to create jobs. It doesn't take a corporation to install solar panels or wind mills. The entire idea a fifty year old economic paradigm based in Wall Street pre-China is hideous. For many reasons it is hideous.
Rand is correct. Parents should feel they have control over their child's wellness and the impact of vaccines on that child's future, but, after one year the parents postponing vaccines falls apart. The myelin sheath is intact after one year old. The vaccines can't come in contact with insulated nerves at that time going forward. That standard will provide for safe school environments. Babies receive their mother's antibodies when they breast feed. The reason the vaccines are necessary is because breast milk is passive immunity and vaccines are active immunity. The antibodies don't hurt children when their myelin sheath is intact.
Jeb Bush has got to be joking. He is hopeless. Margaret Thatcher on the $20 bill will cause riots. Another one that knows little to nothing about American women, Governor Kasich who wants Mother Teresa on the $20 bill.
As John Adams (click here) was busy hammering out a new government, Abigail Adams expressed concern about how women would be treated. In one of her many letters to her husband, she requested that he “Remember the Ladies, and be more generous and favourable to them than your ancestors. Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the Husbands. Remember all Men would be tyrants if they could. If perticuliar care and attention is not paid to the Laidies we are determined to foment a Rebelion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any Laws in which we have no voice, or Representation.” Odd spellings aside, Abigail often expressed her thoughts on political matters with her husband. Throughout his career, Abigail had served as his unofficial adviser. Their letters show him seeking her counsel on many issues, including his presidential aspirations.
Another Dolly Madison. For her involvement in American policy she even appears to be the first Mamie Eisenhower or Elenore Roosevelt.
Some critics objected to Abigail’s influence over her husband, calling her “Mrs. President.”
I think 3 hours was too long. Less commercials, more content. IT IS CABLE NEWS!!! They forget about that these days.
...But lost in the polarized debate (click here) over Planned Parenthood is a fact that Bush would likely prefer not to highlight: His family, dating back to his grandfather, was instrumental in launching and securing federal funding for the group.
During the 1940s, when contraception was a controversial and largely taboo topic, Jeb Bush's grandfather, Prescott Bush, was an active supporter of Planned Parenthood, which was founded by Margaret Sanger in 1921 as the American Birth Control League. In 1947, Bush served as treasurer of the group's first national fundraising campaign—a move he would soon come to regret. In 1950, Prescott Bush narrowly lost an election for a US Senate seat in Connecticut after a columnist revealed his connection to the "Birth Control Society." (He went on to win a Senate seat two years later.)...
I think the Republicans are over compensating for the past involvement. The fact of the matter is Planned Parenthood has provided ESSENTIAL services to women for decades. There is no reason that should change.
Carly Fiorina made a good impression. It finally put a Republican women on the stage as an equal with Republican men. She is very well poised. There was one statement to be noted that might be a strength and that was her knowledge of international banks to immediately institute sanctions. I don't know if she is exclusively competent in that area within all the candidates, but, no other candidate opened up that dialogue. It was in relation to Iran so they may have a different approach. Donald Trump probably deals frequently with international banks, but, he never addressed that as a particular competency.
Tenth Amendment was intended to confirm the understanding of the people
at the time the Constitution was adopted, that powers not granted to
the United States were reserved to the States or to the people. It added
nothing to the instrument as originally ratified.'' - See more at: