Probable cause, ....police made eye contact with Mr. Gray. Mr. Gray ran. Mr. Rice involved in foot persuit. Mr. Gray surrended. Mr. Gray handcuffed. Placed in prone position with arms handcuffed behind his back. "I cannot breath." Mr. Gray noted to have a knife and is lawful under Maryland law. Knife removed = Leg lace - Mr. Gray screaming. No crime committed by Mr. Gray. Mr. Gray was illegally arrested. Mr. Gray in wagon not restrained by seat belt. Removed Gray placed flex cuffs and leg cuffs on Mr. Gray. Mr. Gray still not secured in wagon. Mr. Gray from Backer Street severe neck injury incurred due to transport with no control of feet or legs. At no point did the police officers seek medical attention for Mr. Gray.
Officer Goodson
Dolphin Street and Drew Hill Ave.
Officer Goodson and
Mr. Gray requested help, he could not breath. He stated he needed a medic. Both officers assessed Mr. Gray and did not ask for additional
1600 North Avenue was back up to arrest. Officer Goodson. Nero, Miller, Porter, Rice. Officer Alysia White. Nothing was done for Mr. Gray after assessing his condition. No officer responded to medical need of Mr. Gray.
Mr. Gray never received restraint as seat belt to transportation.
Medic finally called and determined Mr. Gray was severely injured.
Maryland State Medical Examiner determined Mr. Gray's death is a homicide.
Goodson - 2nd degree murder, invol manslaughter, manslaughter of 2nd degree, manslaughter by auto due to repeated negligence of securing Mr. Gray in transport.
The list goes on and on for ever officer involved in the homicide.
She carries "the truth" in high esteem.
The community has an indebtedness to the young woman who made the video of the illegal arrest of Mr. Freddie Gray. It compelled the community to identify with Mr. Gray and brought the outrage and demand for justice.
The video is contained in a news report. The media never gave up either. This movement needs to remain at the center of the country's concern for our minority citizens. There was a lot wrong in Mr. Gray's life, including the fact his neighborhood is deprived of the values of America's hope for all it's people. The movement must go forward. This is justice and it is direly needed for our minority members of our country. I am so grateful for everyone to continue this focus.
Officer Goodson
Dolphin Street and Drew Hill Ave.
Officer Goodson and
Mr. Gray requested help, he could not breath. He stated he needed a medic. Both officers assessed Mr. Gray and did not ask for additional
1600 North Avenue was back up to arrest. Officer Goodson. Nero, Miller, Porter, Rice. Officer Alysia White. Nothing was done for Mr. Gray after assessing his condition. No officer responded to medical need of Mr. Gray.
Mr. Gray never received restraint as seat belt to transportation.
Medic finally called and determined Mr. Gray was severely injured.
Maryland State Medical Examiner determined Mr. Gray's death is a homicide.
Goodson - 2nd degree murder, invol manslaughter, manslaughter of 2nd degree, manslaughter by auto due to repeated negligence of securing Mr. Gray in transport.
The list goes on and on for ever officer involved in the homicide.
She carries "the truth" in high esteem.
The community has an indebtedness to the young woman who made the video of the illegal arrest of Mr. Freddie Gray. It compelled the community to identify with Mr. Gray and brought the outrage and demand for justice.
The video is contained in a news report. The media never gave up either. This movement needs to remain at the center of the country's concern for our minority citizens. There was a lot wrong in Mr. Gray's life, including the fact his neighborhood is deprived of the values of America's hope for all it's people. The movement must go forward. This is justice and it is direly needed for our minority members of our country. I am so grateful for everyone to continue this focus.