Monday, November 10, 2014

A blunt talking, grey haired, white man won his House seat because he is unafraid of those that rally and demonstrate. He is their best friend and a truth teller.

He enlisted his constituents to pass the bill. The same method President Obama used to move the budget and debt ceiling stalemates. The people understand this is there government and will act to move the country.

November 4, 2014
By Kevin Robillard

...Peterson, who has represented a sprawling district in western Minnesota (click here) for more than two decades, defeated Minnesota state Sen. Torrey Westrom by more than 20,000 votes. Westrom, who is legally blind, was a top National Republican Congressional Campaign Committee recruit who was supposed to give Peterson his strongest challenge in a decade. But the incumbent easily beat back Westrom, with outside groups spending more than $8 million in the district.

Republicans hoped to portray Peterson as out of touch with his constituents, attacking him for charging taxpayers for the use of a plane to get around his 33,000-square-mile district. But Peterson defended the use of the plane and said his seniority on the House Agriculture Committee (he was chairman when Democrats controlled the House) was instrumental in finally passing a farm bill earlier this year.

The GOP wished the 70-year-old would retire rather than battle Westrom in a district Romney won by 10 points in 2012. But Peterson said GOP challenges “made him mad” during the campaign and recently hinted he planned on staying in office until 2020....