Women, regardless of age, spend a great deal of time to attend to their attractiveness. Women like be complimented about their appearance and in turn frequently provide feedback to others. All throughout this blog are compliments to people. It is because it shows a quality society thrives on both in social aesthetics and economy. Have a great run for President, Hillary.
Julian Borger
Julian Borger
The Guardian
17 November 2009
...The extravagant (click here) compliments were delivered in an interview with Vogue magazine, which put journalistic objectivity to one side to describe Britain's foreign secretary as "tall and dashing". The interviewer added for good measure: "I got a crush over the phone in about five seconds partly because of his accent."
But he was outdone by Clinton, who responded: "Well, if you saw him it would be a big crush. I mean, he is so vibrant, vital, attractive, smart. He's really a good guy. And he's so young!"
Vogue describes Miliband as smitten too, but in a more buttoned-up way: "She applies intellect but also psychology to the dossiers that she's studying," he said of Clinton. "She's delightful to deal with one on one. She's someone who laughs and can tease, and she's got perspective as well."...
Former Secretary Albright was once asked about gender and serving in office. She stated the one of the differences she found in settling differences the other party would send flowers to mend good will.
Former Secretary Albright was once asked about gender and serving in office. She stated the one of the differences she found in settling differences the other party would send flowers to mend good will.