Overweight (click here) and obesity in children are significant public health problems in the United States. The number of adolescents who are overweight has tripled since 1980 and the prevalence among younger children has more than doubled. According to the 1999-2002 NHANES survey, 16 percent of children age 6-19 years are overweight (see Figure 1)....
The First Lady's health directive for children began in 2009. The sales of potato chips continued to increase. I really don't feel bad for them.
The REAL reason First Lady Michelle Obama is scapegoated for her dedication to our youngest citizens, is much larger than the USA. The real reason the First Lady is a target is because the USA has influence globally.
So, while we have a great First Lady seeing the need for a focus on health, happiness and longevity of our children, those receiving plenty of political monies from cronies believe our American children actually are disposable for global profits.
Role of Nutrition in World Health Issues (click here)
Quality of Profits NEVER enters into a corporate board room. Profits at any cost including that of human health is always the elephant in the room. It's personal choice. It isn't like anyone is twisting their arms to purchase products.
The Pepsi commercial below not only sells empty calories and caffeine to poor children, it also sells attitude. Basically, Pepsi is the STATUS of poor children who need an 'ego structure' as a reward system rather than nutritional choices.
The sad truth to this commercial is that 'Food Deserts' (click here) do actually exist in impoverished neighborhoods in the USA. So, the 'target' of the ad is well researched. Pepsi knows exactly who they are selling to. They know their customer. Where is V8 when you need them?

The REAL reason First Lady Michelle Obama is scapegoated for her dedication to our youngest citizens, is much larger than the USA. The real reason the First Lady is a target is because the USA has influence globally.
So, while we have a great First Lady seeing the need for a focus on health, happiness and longevity of our children, those receiving plenty of political monies from cronies believe our American children actually are disposable for global profits.
Role of Nutrition in World Health Issues (click here)
Nutrition and eating habits feed directly into a host of personal health issues that directly impact individual quality of life and national healthcare systems. Poor eating habits, combined with limited activity, are a leading contributor to obesity, which increases the risk of serious long-term illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, asthma and cancer, and shortens life expectancies. Even for those who manage to escape these problems, an unhealthy, high calorie diet lacking in essential nutrients can lead to weight control issues, low energy and self-esteem and an overall lower quality of life....
How do we spell it? C.O.R.R.U.P.T.I.O.N.Quality of Profits NEVER enters into a corporate board room. Profits at any cost including that of human health is always the elephant in the room. It's personal choice. It isn't like anyone is twisting their arms to purchase products.
The Pepsi commercial below not only sells empty calories and caffeine to poor children, it also sells attitude. Basically, Pepsi is the STATUS of poor children who need an 'ego structure' as a reward system rather than nutritional choices.
The sad truth to this commercial is that 'Food Deserts' (click here) do actually exist in impoverished neighborhoods in the USA. So, the 'target' of the ad is well researched. Pepsi knows exactly who they are selling to. They know their customer. Where is V8 when you need them?
- V8® 100% Vegetable Juice (click here) provides two nutritious servings of vegetables in each 8-ounce glass
Where is V8? Outside 'the attitude.' Enter stage right, First Lady Michelle Obama. Thank you to the First Lady.
Now. What happens when every First Lady around the world takes up "Let's Move" while setting nutritional standards for their nation's children. My, my, my.
Now. What happens when every First Lady around the world takes up "Let's Move" while setting nutritional standards for their nation's children. My, my, my.