This is the eastern most province in the Ukraine, so it is no surprise. This is a good opportunity for the Ukraine government to establish a presence there that is benevolent and on the side of the people.
The problems the people have is not about being Russian. Ethnically they may already be Russian. They are transposing their real economic problems onto the idea the Ukraine government is run by thugs and criminals.
The Ukraine government is there for all the people, not just 'certain' people. This method of fomenting hate has to be stopped. The people, under Yanukovych were brainwashed to believe some people are better than others. That is common when wealth is sequestered in corners of a society while others are struggling. There is no magic to being wealthy or an oligarch. Money is power and how it is used by those that possess it reveals their intent.
The impoverishment and isolation of 'certain' people is a common strategy to justify political domination of an economy. We face it all the time in the USA and to consider this is the Ukraine and it's debt problem escalates with every clash between the government and it's people only adding to the countries problems. It is important for the current Ukraine President to speak to the people. All the people. The nation is best when it stands as a nation and not divided into segments of ethnic standing.
The current Ukraine President has to change the dialogue that allows for justification of "Russian speaking people." They can speak Russian all they want. No one is throwing them into prison for speaking Russian. There has been no effort by the Ukraine government to victimize or kill. They are not confronting the protesters with violence so much as a presence to bring back 'peace' so they can get on with their lives without fear.
This is all prejudice. Ethnic and religious bigotry. No population of any country should pledge their souls to such hatred. When people are full of such bigotry they are under the influence of unreasonable odds to succeed. The Ukraine has to succeed as a country, not a piece of a country.
The history of the country proves it's strength and capability. There is every reason to expect that character strength to continue to be proud of the country they build together. Pandering to Russia in hopes their circumstances change immediately is giving up and admitting they aren't capable of a future that is autonomous and strong. That doesn't sound like the Ukrainian people. The Ukraine has always lead the region, why is it different now?
7 April 2014
Last updated at 06:49 ET
The Luhansk (click here) security building's weapons arsenal has been raided, police say.
On Sunday, protesters broke into regional government buildings in Donetsk and Kharkiv.
At an emergency cabinet meeting, interim Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk blamed Russia for the seizures....
It is my opinion this chronic divisive strategy by Russia will create small states and nations that will be unsuccessful economically. History tells us so. There is nothing wrong with calling upon the LESSONS of history to prove to those that want separation from the Ukraine it is unproductive and ultimately leads to greater hatred, victimization and clashes for land justified by ethnic and religious hatred. This happened before in this region. Yugoslavia is history. It is proven that when peoples divide into smaller and smaller nation-states they fail and turn to hatred to wage war and genocide in the fight for gaining land mass.
The oligarchs will be surprised should Russia occupy their region. There is history there, too. The Russian Oligarchs are no more. Russia is a friend to oligarchs so long as it has control and will allow pandering right up to the point where the oligarch and it's control no longer serves Russia.
Wealth is a funny thing. Wealth is more opportunity than one realizes. If I had enough liquid capital to build a small business and hire people it would make me happier than I am today. However, the liquid capital depends on the ability to obtain it. So, while oligarchs are wealthy, they had the opportunity while others did not. That doesn't make them better, smarter or ethnically preferable. It makes them people that were in the right place at the right time and took advantage of their circumstances.
The Ukraine people are better than this. They need to remember who they are as a nation, not a divided population brainwashed to facilitate the ability of Russia to conquer.
The problems the people have is not about being Russian. Ethnically they may already be Russian. They are transposing their real economic problems onto the idea the Ukraine government is run by thugs and criminals.
The Ukraine government is there for all the people, not just 'certain' people. This method of fomenting hate has to be stopped. The people, under Yanukovych were brainwashed to believe some people are better than others. That is common when wealth is sequestered in corners of a society while others are struggling. There is no magic to being wealthy or an oligarch. Money is power and how it is used by those that possess it reveals their intent.
The impoverishment and isolation of 'certain' people is a common strategy to justify political domination of an economy. We face it all the time in the USA and to consider this is the Ukraine and it's debt problem escalates with every clash between the government and it's people only adding to the countries problems. It is important for the current Ukraine President to speak to the people. All the people. The nation is best when it stands as a nation and not divided into segments of ethnic standing.
The current Ukraine President has to change the dialogue that allows for justification of "Russian speaking people." They can speak Russian all they want. No one is throwing them into prison for speaking Russian. There has been no effort by the Ukraine government to victimize or kill. They are not confronting the protesters with violence so much as a presence to bring back 'peace' so they can get on with their lives without fear.
This is all prejudice. Ethnic and religious bigotry. No population of any country should pledge their souls to such hatred. When people are full of such bigotry they are under the influence of unreasonable odds to succeed. The Ukraine has to succeed as a country, not a piece of a country.
The history of the country proves it's strength and capability. There is every reason to expect that character strength to continue to be proud of the country they build together. Pandering to Russia in hopes their circumstances change immediately is giving up and admitting they aren't capable of a future that is autonomous and strong. That doesn't sound like the Ukrainian people. The Ukraine has always lead the region, why is it different now?

The Luhansk (click here) security building's weapons arsenal has been raided, police say.
On Sunday, protesters broke into regional government buildings in Donetsk and Kharkiv.
At an emergency cabinet meeting, interim Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk blamed Russia for the seizures....
It is my opinion this chronic divisive strategy by Russia will create small states and nations that will be unsuccessful economically. History tells us so. There is nothing wrong with calling upon the LESSONS of history to prove to those that want separation from the Ukraine it is unproductive and ultimately leads to greater hatred, victimization and clashes for land justified by ethnic and religious hatred. This happened before in this region. Yugoslavia is history. It is proven that when peoples divide into smaller and smaller nation-states they fail and turn to hatred to wage war and genocide in the fight for gaining land mass.
The oligarchs will be surprised should Russia occupy their region. There is history there, too. The Russian Oligarchs are no more. Russia is a friend to oligarchs so long as it has control and will allow pandering right up to the point where the oligarch and it's control no longer serves Russia.
Wealth is a funny thing. Wealth is more opportunity than one realizes. If I had enough liquid capital to build a small business and hire people it would make me happier than I am today. However, the liquid capital depends on the ability to obtain it. So, while oligarchs are wealthy, they had the opportunity while others did not. That doesn't make them better, smarter or ethnically preferable. It makes them people that were in the right place at the right time and took advantage of their circumstances.
The Ukraine people are better than this. They need to remember who they are as a nation, not a divided population brainwashed to facilitate the ability of Russia to conquer.