So, few in the world understand what this means, right? Why do you suppose that is?
Why do you suppose when the majority of people look at that graph it looks like something recorded from Voyager traveling through the edge of the solar system?
Do you know the difference between Voyager recording and this graph? Why not?
I could explain all this and probably will, but, unless people understand the language of EXPERTS they are propagandized with nonsense about lies and deceptions. So why bother? Why should any expert seek 'common language' to attempt to explain the brevity of this graph? No one cares. Not sincerely. The experts are drowned out by Wall Street priorities in the media. No one is or has raised the alarm regarding Earth in a profound way so people pay attention.
How does anyone know this won't get better? How does anyone know this is irreversible so therefore throw down the gauntlet and PAAARRRRTY!
Earth is a fairly easy celestial body to understand. Earth is magnificent, but, human beings do not have reverence for that magnificence NOR respect for it's value and gifts.
Mass balance. What keeps a glacier from sliding to the bottom of gravitational pull?
Oh, you thought this was just about the loss of ice. It is, but, there is more to it.
The graph discusses the loss of ice 'content' of the polar regions. Oh, you didn't believe the scientists when they said it was 5 degrees centigrade warmer in the Arctic. Yep. They didn't lie.
Located in the Terre Adélie-George V Land section of East Antarctica,
Astrolabe Glacier streams out from the interior of Antarctica to dump
ice into the sea. This outlet glacier is estimated to be 10 kilometers
(6 miles) wide, and the drainage basin that feeds it stretches as much
as 200 kilometers (120 miles) inland. Astrolabe is named for the
flagship of Captain Jules Dumont d’Urville’s 19th century expedition to Antarctica.
How much does ice weigh? How much weight is in an AREA 6 miles wide and 12 miles long?
The calving front is roughly 7 kilometers (4 miles) wide, and scientists estimate that it loses half a cubic kilometer of ice per year.
The depth is important to determine the complete size of a glacier. The calving front is only a clue to the depth of the icefield.
Each year over the course of the 18-year study, the two ice sheets lost a combined average of 36.3 billion tons more than they did the year before. The Greenland ice sheet lost mass faster at an average of 21.9 billion tons more per year. In Antarctica, the year-over-year speedup in lost ice mass averaged 14.5 billion tons.
Americans have gotten used to the words billions and trillions and what that means to Wall Street, Too Big to Fail and the national debt and deficit. But, when it comes to understanding the rapid DETERIORATION of Earth, those words billions and trillions mean nothing.
Are glaciers Too Big to Fail?
A billion tons looks like this in numbers 1,000,000,000 X 2000 = 2,000,000,000,000. That is two trillion POUNDS. What happens when 2 trillion pounds of water enters the oceans? How much space does that take up? Then realize it isn't 2 trillion pounds of water, it is 36.3 X 2,000,000,000,000 = 72.6 trillion pounds of water PER YEAR dissolving into the worlds oceans.
I sometimes think the First World understands that freezers continually make ice for their three Martini lunches without effort. How much effort does it take to stop the deterioration of Earth's icefields?
Is ice important? Does ice in large icefields provide SERVICE to human beings? What service do they provide and why isn't it better to simply heat Earth to the point where 'real estate' value takes over the Antarctica continent?
Does Earth have a thermostat that human beings can adjust at their pleasure? Warmer in winter and colder in summer. Simply adjust the thermostat, right?
How would anyone go about adjusting the thermostat of Earth. A planet sized thermostat. How is that going to happen?
Human beings cannot turn the weather off or on to their pleasure, why would anyone ever believe there is capacity to adjust CLIMATE?
A rapid shift to less-polluting energy will be needed to avoid catastrophic global warming because global emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases have accelerated to unprecedented levels, the United Nations reports today.
Guess who stated that?
The IPCC. Guess who else said that and everyone ignored her?
It doesn't take much to melt ice. It is easy to do. If there was reverence for Earth that would not even be a topic today. Everyone better wake up and start protecting carbon sinks and restoring Earth's balance. I could not mean it more.
Why do you suppose when the majority of people look at that graph it looks like something recorded from Voyager traveling through the edge of the solar system?
Do you know the difference between Voyager recording and this graph? Why not?
I could explain all this and probably will, but, unless people understand the language of EXPERTS they are propagandized with nonsense about lies and deceptions. So why bother? Why should any expert seek 'common language' to attempt to explain the brevity of this graph? No one cares. Not sincerely. The experts are drowned out by Wall Street priorities in the media. No one is or has raised the alarm regarding Earth in a profound way so people pay attention.
How does anyone know this won't get better? How does anyone know this is irreversible so therefore throw down the gauntlet and PAAARRRRTY!
Earth is a fairly easy celestial body to understand. Earth is magnificent, but, human beings do not have reverence for that magnificence NOR respect for it's value and gifts.
Mass balance. What keeps a glacier from sliding to the bottom of gravitational pull?
Oh, you thought this was just about the loss of ice. It is, but, there is more to it.
The graph discusses the loss of ice 'content' of the polar regions. Oh, you didn't believe the scientists when they said it was 5 degrees centigrade warmer in the Arctic. Yep. They didn't lie.

How much does ice weigh? How much weight is in an AREA 6 miles wide and 12 miles long?
The calving front is roughly 7 kilometers (4 miles) wide, and scientists estimate that it loses half a cubic kilometer of ice per year.
The depth is important to determine the complete size of a glacier. The calving front is only a clue to the depth of the icefield.
Each year over the course of the 18-year study, the two ice sheets lost a combined average of 36.3 billion tons more than they did the year before. The Greenland ice sheet lost mass faster at an average of 21.9 billion tons more per year. In Antarctica, the year-over-year speedup in lost ice mass averaged 14.5 billion tons.
Americans have gotten used to the words billions and trillions and what that means to Wall Street, Too Big to Fail and the national debt and deficit. But, when it comes to understanding the rapid DETERIORATION of Earth, those words billions and trillions mean nothing.
Are glaciers Too Big to Fail?
A billion tons looks like this in numbers 1,000,000,000 X 2000 = 2,000,000,000,000. That is two trillion POUNDS. What happens when 2 trillion pounds of water enters the oceans? How much space does that take up? Then realize it isn't 2 trillion pounds of water, it is 36.3 X 2,000,000,000,000 = 72.6 trillion pounds of water PER YEAR dissolving into the worlds oceans.
I sometimes think the First World understands that freezers continually make ice for their three Martini lunches without effort. How much effort does it take to stop the deterioration of Earth's icefields?
Is ice important? Does ice in large icefields provide SERVICE to human beings? What service do they provide and why isn't it better to simply heat Earth to the point where 'real estate' value takes over the Antarctica continent?
Does Earth have a thermostat that human beings can adjust at their pleasure? Warmer in winter and colder in summer. Simply adjust the thermostat, right?
How would anyone go about adjusting the thermostat of Earth. A planet sized thermostat. How is that going to happen?
Human beings cannot turn the weather off or on to their pleasure, why would anyone ever believe there is capacity to adjust CLIMATE?
A rapid shift to less-polluting energy will be needed to avoid catastrophic global warming because global emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases have accelerated to unprecedented levels, the United Nations reports today.
Guess who stated that?
The IPCC. Guess who else said that and everyone ignored her?
It doesn't take much to melt ice. It is easy to do. If there was reverence for Earth that would not even be a topic today. Everyone better wake up and start protecting carbon sinks and restoring Earth's balance. I could not mean it more.