Pope Francis is stated to be very sober over the sexual abuse of children that has occurred within the church. His words ask for forgiveness, but, does not dismiss the brevity of the tragedies. That entire time really is a tragedy for the Roman Catholic Church.
Given his involvement of the common man I am fairly confident this episode weighs on his heart. I don't believe for one minute he is dismissive of the profound impact such acts against children carried. I believe his requests for forgiveness are sincere.
April 12, 2014 - Updated 1850 PKT
..."I feel compelled... (click here) to personally ask for forgiveness for the damage they have done for having sexually abused children," the pope said at a meeting with members of a children's charity, Vatican Radio reported.
The apology was a first for Francis since he was elected last year and he was quoted as saying there were "quite a few" guilty priests, although "obviously not compared to the number of all the priests".
"The Church is aware of this damage," he said.
"It is personal, moral damage carried out by men of the Church and we will not take one step backward with regards to how we will deal with this problem and the sanctions that must be imposed.
"On the contrary, we must be even stronger," he added.
Francis was meeting with members of International Catholic Child Bureau (BICE), which works to protect the rights and dignity of children worldwide....