Russia is interfering in the peace within the Ukraine.
The Russians are NOT interested in a stable Ukraine. They are interested in impacting the country negatively regardless of the loss of life or loss of quality of life. Putin has Russia charged up on nationalism. The idea Ukraine leadership hates RSPs fits right into the strategy. The reality is that Russia does hate Ukrainians. That is the real truth.
One would think Russia would be proud of the post soviet nations and their success, but, that doesn't seem to be important.
It is rather remarkable to realize what occurred with the Soviet Union and have leadership at the ready to lead their people. That is no mistake. There is no shame in having independent post soviet countries. Quite the contrary.
It is matter of fact countries can be too large to protect. To some extent the Soviet Union was destined to loosen it's ties to it's states. To that end, it took it's huge land mass seriously and empowered it's states to be self-defining. If any of the post soviet countries is a shining example of self-containment, it is Ukraine. It would not exist in it's status today if the Soviet leadership hadn't realized it's vulnerabilities.
There was no chaos. There was no implosion of authority. The people were safe, so the idea Russia has to maintain control is completely bizarre and quite frankly alien to these countries. There is every indication from the inception of their autonomy they were prepared to that reality.
For Russia to change it's demeanor with these countries and the nations of people within them is a direct threat to a status they were enjoying before the Soviet Union dissolved.
Russia is creating it's own hell in thinking it is vulnerable to some kind of alien world called democracy. It's imposition on these countries are turning them away from Russia. Russia is literally driving those that they seek as allies away from that relationship no matter what form it would take.
They want to have viable markets based in free trade on a larger scale than they have now and Russia is manipulating their ability to conduct those trade potentials through loans and power struggles. It is no secret Russia is pouring assets into these countries to create dependency. That isn't what they want and up to now that is all they had as a potential for their economy. Russia is unjust in creating this dependency.
Ukraine on brink of civil war after blood was spilt in east – Yanukovich
He is a fucking liar!
Is Viktor in a bad mood? Did his little doggy run away, too?
Some kind of civil war, Viktor. The people are waiting for summer and an uptick in tourism. He should be seeking a larger market with his pony by renting his services to local birthday parties.

In the eastern city of Donetsk, (click here) protesters hung a huge banner declaring a government office building to be the "People's Republic of Donetsk."
These pro-Moscow activists want to pull away from Europe and align Ukraine more with Russia. The protests in Donetsk and elsewhere in eastern Ukraine are the focus of the ongoing crisis in the country and it has international repercussions that reach well beyond the country's borders.
Yet life in the rest of Donetsk is going on completely as normal.
The occupied government building in the center of town is surrounded by razor wire and sandbags. It feels like the kind of place where nothing will happen unless, suddenly, something dramatic does....