Image to the right is at 0100z this morning.
The image below probably looks confusing. The vortex in the Atlantic east of USA shoreline is moving primarily north northeast.
The vortex over the USA has a circulation center over northeast Iowa. It appears to be over the New Albin Big Lake Wildlife Area. The water vapor fueling this vortex is directly off South America.
U.S. Severe Weather Map (click here)
Updated: 12:41 AM GMT on May 01, 2014
Gratefully there are no tornadoes watch currently. There is flooding in the Mid-Atlantic states, Gulf Coast of Mississippi, Alabama and the Florida panhandle. High wind warnings for southern coastal California. There are also special warning in the northwest which bears notice.
Special Statement (click here)
Statement as of 2:53 PM PDT on April 30, 2014
...Use caution along area rivers as they are deceptively cold and
fast moving this time of year...
The near record to record warmth through Thursday may cause some
individuals to seek relief around area rivers. Every year people
are killed in rivers around the Pacific northwest...overestimating
their ability to handle the higher river flows and the cold water
temperatures. Please exercise caution if recreating along or in
any area rivers Thursday.
There is a vortex in the Pacific with a circulation center offshore northern California. That primarily took shape in the past 12 hours.
I know this is going to be hard to believe, but, sleep hasn't come easy the past few days. I'm tired. Until tomorrow.
UNISYS Water Vapor Satellite of North and West Hemisphere (click here for 12 hour loop)
April 30, 2014