The propaganda Russia uses against The West and in the Crimea is that it allows Neo-Nazis to exist. The word was exist.
Ultra orthodox Jews offer prayers in the small Ukrainian city of Uman, some 200 kms south of Kiev on September 9, 2010
Published: 16 Mar 2014 at 11.49
Online news: World
Russia may accuse the protesters (click here) who toppled Ukraine's pro-Moscow government of being "fascists" and "neo-Nazis" but the country's Jews insist they have seen no trace of anti-Semitism.
Moscow was quick to slam the Maidan protesters as extremists bent on waging war against ethnic Russians, and media in Russia -- much of it influenced by the Kremlin -- has carried repeated reports of Russians fleeing Ukraine, claiming both they and Jews are at risk of violence.
But according to Ukraine's chief rabbi Moshe Reuven Asman, there isn't a hint of anti-Jewish sentiment -- either on the Maidan square, where protesters have camped out for four months, or elsewhere in the country.
Just to be sure, he and Vadim Rabinovich, the president of the Congress of Ukrainian Jews, phoned around to get local confirmation.
"We called community leaders and rabbis across the country and noone mentioned any expression of anti-Semitism," said Asman...
See the real problem with Europe is that they tolerate diversity even down to the demons of Neo-Nazism. Currently there are three international Neo-Nazi organizations and small groups in Africa, Canada, United States, Latin America, Iran, Belgium, the Netherlandsm, Denmark, Germany, Norway, Russia, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and Oceania Islands.
There are five known Neo-Nazi organizations in Russia; The Pamyat Nazi Party, Russian National Unity, National Bolshevik Party, Russian National Socialist Party and Russia 88. But, of course, the Russian organizations don't exist when it serves Russia's purpose.
But, I mean let's face it The West has the highest numbers and they can ultimately invade Russia and there would be mass deaths everywhere.
And, of course, we all remember this nightmare as a precursor to a larger reality.
Oslo police trawl the waters off Utøya island for more victims of the
Norway attacks. Police arrested Anders Behring Breivik, 32, over the
twin attacks that have left at least 92 people dead. Photograph: Odd
Andersen/AFP/Getty Images
Police name 'rightwinger' Anders Behring Breivik, 32, as suspect behind Oslo bombing and youth camp massacre (click here)
Peter Beaumon
The Observer
The killings, it now seems clear, were carried out by a 32-year old Norwegian, named by local media as Anders Behring Breivik, who had expressed far-right views, and had dressed as a policeman to carry out his bomb attack on government buildings in central Oslo before heading to the island of Utøya, where he shot at least 85 people.
Survivors of the island attack, which took place barely two hours after a huge bomb was detonated close to the offices of Norway's prime minister, Jens Stoltenberg, described how the gunman moved across the small, wooded Utøya holiday island on Friday firing at random as young people scattered in fear....
This is what gives Putin the right to roll into the Crimea. This is the sickness in the political content that is not just Russia, but, also the right wing of the USA uses any excuse for aggression. "He threatened to kill my father." Well, la-de-da.
So, Russia gives itself permission to continue WWII with Europe. Now, I still state the Georgian president killed over 1000 people the day Russia rolled across the boarder with Abkhazia and South Ossetia. That is a fact. Russia did not kill those people. That event also sent a message to Moscow in that the post soviet states can't be trusted so therefore the Russian troops and tanks roll when any hint of hatred arises.
What concerns me is the hatred and the ability of Russia to turn aggressive on a dime. Europe has a real threat if this continues. The ethnicity of the region of the post soviet states is a flash point for Russian aggression. The problem is that it works.
Look, it is not unrealistic to believe there will be attempts at genocide again. I am sure if Former President Clinton spoke to this reality he might say the same. He went through it and lost dear friends in the attempt to settle the issues in Bosnia. He knows this is just a powder keg waiting to happen. Why leave it for another George Bush?
The reason the post soviet states align so tightly with Russia is because that is what they know. Yanukovych is an example of the tactics of Russian affiliated leadership that will do anything to maintain control. At some levels the post soviet states are afraid of The West. Diversity could be the covert enemy and when panning the landscape in recent history there stands Bush and Cheney. I don't blame them. If continuing any faux sense of being a Russian ally has it's uptick, why not do it?
Europe and the USA have to move past their decisions these nations can handle their futures as they may and if they divide and rejoin Russia that is their choice. That is not their choice. That is their security strategy and now Russia is seeking to regroup it's former friends into an economic union. What could be better? If they have to settle for a future that is less than their desire, it isn't such a bad one after all, now is it?
Belarus is doing fine. There is no reason for them to move out of their comfort zone. There are political elements in the other post soviet nations that reject that sense of comfort. There will be unrest and bigotry to facilitate reasons to invade. It prolongs the economic development and stability of these nations, so why let it exist?
I'll assume Russia sincerely wants to protect lives along it's borders simply because they are still strongly affiliated with that culture, but, a chronic threat of invasion across sovereign borders is not the way an economic empire is developed. There will be issues of monetary policy that will tire most investors and then these nations will become toys to Wall Street when playing with currency produces new liquidity for their next takeover of some corporation somewhere. This is not the way of the world anymore. At least for the majority of it. The real danger is not at the borders of Russia it is in the small minority of Republicans in the USA that still see World War Three as a reasonable outcome.
And what is the sensationalized headlines of the "Mail Online" today?
Doomed airline pilot (click here) was political fanatic: Hours before taking control of flight MH370 he attended trial of jailed opposition leader as FBI revealed passengers could be at a secret location.
Does the global community actually have to let it go this far simply because it is minding it's own business? I think not. I think The West and Russia have a lot of work to do on bringing down the rhetorical politics that dominate hate. But, first, these smaller nations need to believe they can define themselves as they wish and we need to allow them to move forward with the understanding hate is not an agenda item at their economic meetings. Unless, of course, it is to end it.

Published: 16 Mar 2014 at 11.49
Online news: World
Russia may accuse the protesters (click here) who toppled Ukraine's pro-Moscow government of being "fascists" and "neo-Nazis" but the country's Jews insist they have seen no trace of anti-Semitism.
Moscow was quick to slam the Maidan protesters as extremists bent on waging war against ethnic Russians, and media in Russia -- much of it influenced by the Kremlin -- has carried repeated reports of Russians fleeing Ukraine, claiming both they and Jews are at risk of violence.
But according to Ukraine's chief rabbi Moshe Reuven Asman, there isn't a hint of anti-Jewish sentiment -- either on the Maidan square, where protesters have camped out for four months, or elsewhere in the country.
Just to be sure, he and Vadim Rabinovich, the president of the Congress of Ukrainian Jews, phoned around to get local confirmation.
"We called community leaders and rabbis across the country and noone mentioned any expression of anti-Semitism," said Asman...
See the real problem with Europe is that they tolerate diversity even down to the demons of Neo-Nazism. Currently there are three international Neo-Nazi organizations and small groups in Africa, Canada, United States, Latin America, Iran, Belgium, the Netherlandsm, Denmark, Germany, Norway, Russia, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and Oceania Islands.
There are five known Neo-Nazi organizations in Russia; The Pamyat Nazi Party, Russian National Unity, National Bolshevik Party, Russian National Socialist Party and Russia 88. But, of course, the Russian organizations don't exist when it serves Russia's purpose.
But, I mean let's face it The West has the highest numbers and they can ultimately invade Russia and there would be mass deaths everywhere.
And, of course, we all remember this nightmare as a precursor to a larger reality.

Police name 'rightwinger' Anders Behring Breivik, 32, as suspect behind Oslo bombing and youth camp massacre (click here)
Peter Beaumon
The Observer
The killings, it now seems clear, were carried out by a 32-year old Norwegian, named by local media as Anders Behring Breivik, who had expressed far-right views, and had dressed as a policeman to carry out his bomb attack on government buildings in central Oslo before heading to the island of Utøya, where he shot at least 85 people.
Survivors of the island attack, which took place barely two hours after a huge bomb was detonated close to the offices of Norway's prime minister, Jens Stoltenberg, described how the gunman moved across the small, wooded Utøya holiday island on Friday firing at random as young people scattered in fear....
This is what gives Putin the right to roll into the Crimea. This is the sickness in the political content that is not just Russia, but, also the right wing of the USA uses any excuse for aggression. "He threatened to kill my father." Well, la-de-da.
So, Russia gives itself permission to continue WWII with Europe. Now, I still state the Georgian president killed over 1000 people the day Russia rolled across the boarder with Abkhazia and South Ossetia. That is a fact. Russia did not kill those people. That event also sent a message to Moscow in that the post soviet states can't be trusted so therefore the Russian troops and tanks roll when any hint of hatred arises.
What concerns me is the hatred and the ability of Russia to turn aggressive on a dime. Europe has a real threat if this continues. The ethnicity of the region of the post soviet states is a flash point for Russian aggression. The problem is that it works.
Look, it is not unrealistic to believe there will be attempts at genocide again. I am sure if Former President Clinton spoke to this reality he might say the same. He went through it and lost dear friends in the attempt to settle the issues in Bosnia. He knows this is just a powder keg waiting to happen. Why leave it for another George Bush?
The reason the post soviet states align so tightly with Russia is because that is what they know. Yanukovych is an example of the tactics of Russian affiliated leadership that will do anything to maintain control. At some levels the post soviet states are afraid of The West. Diversity could be the covert enemy and when panning the landscape in recent history there stands Bush and Cheney. I don't blame them. If continuing any faux sense of being a Russian ally has it's uptick, why not do it?

Belarus is doing fine. There is no reason for them to move out of their comfort zone. There are political elements in the other post soviet nations that reject that sense of comfort. There will be unrest and bigotry to facilitate reasons to invade. It prolongs the economic development and stability of these nations, so why let it exist?
I'll assume Russia sincerely wants to protect lives along it's borders simply because they are still strongly affiliated with that culture, but, a chronic threat of invasion across sovereign borders is not the way an economic empire is developed. There will be issues of monetary policy that will tire most investors and then these nations will become toys to Wall Street when playing with currency produces new liquidity for their next takeover of some corporation somewhere. This is not the way of the world anymore. At least for the majority of it. The real danger is not at the borders of Russia it is in the small minority of Republicans in the USA that still see World War Three as a reasonable outcome.
And what is the sensationalized headlines of the "Mail Online" today?
Doomed airline pilot (click here) was political fanatic: Hours before taking control of flight MH370 he attended trial of jailed opposition leader as FBI revealed passengers could be at a secret location.
Does the global community actually have to let it go this far simply because it is minding it's own business? I think not. I think The West and Russia have a lot of work to do on bringing down the rhetorical politics that dominate hate. But, first, these smaller nations need to believe they can define themselves as they wish and we need to allow them to move forward with the understanding hate is not an agenda item at their economic meetings. Unless, of course, it is to end it.