Tuesday, March 04, 2014

...The Harvard School of Public Health researchers say, (click here) at a population level, the risk with a single outburst of anger is relatively low - one extra heart attack per 10,000 people per year could be expected among people with low cardiovascular risk who were angry only once a month, increasing to an extra four per 10,000 people with a high cardiovascular risk
But the risk is cumulative, meaning temper-prone individuals will be at higher risk still. 

Five episodes of anger a day would result in around 158 extra heart attacks per 10,000 people with a low cardiovascular risk per year, increasing to about 657 extra heart attacks per 10,000 among those with a high cardiovascular risk, Dr Elizabeth Mostofsky and colleagues calculate....

How's the heart holding up, Dick? 

Paul Costello 
February 25th, 2014

Dick Cheney on his heart transplant: “It’s the gift of life itself” (click here)

Do tell. I hum while working. Oddly enough, those around me actually enjoy it. Well, most do. Try that Dick. When nuclear warfare enters your obsessive mind, find a tune you like better. There must be a 12 step program for hatred and the wish for inflicting harm on others, right? "W" understood the importance of a 12 step program.

Do you believe even the birds in Snow White whistled a military tune? Give me a break.

Dick Cheney on his heart transplant: “It’s the gift of life itself” - See more at: http://scopeblog.stanford.edu/2014/02/25/dick-cheney-on-his-heart-transplant-its-the-gift-of-life-itself/#sthash.4nC5jtkI.dpuf
on February 25th, 201