Wednesday, December 04, 2013

I've had enough of the government plotting against the people of the USA.


:  the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person

:  ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to
damage an opposing cause; also :  a public action having such an effect

The entrapment of children into a net of fear is a bridge too far. I am appalled at the willingness of the USA military to carry out a campaign of indoctrination of young minds in this country. The American people are not the enemy.

Never in my wildest imaginations would I expect such aggressive and insidious use of the American military against the people of this country. We are the country, the military is not the country and in a growing paradigm the people of this nation are becoming OBJECTS and not human beings. 

The people are not targets of STRATEGIES to provide a clear demand by the military to accept a national security state for our own good. THE MILITARY DOES NOT MAKE THE RULES in this country.

The need for defunding and dismantling of these PLOTS and those that carry them out has to go forward. The military day by day is losing the trust of the people and rightfully so. 

I don't care if control freaks like Hayden are sitting in DC squirming in their seats at the disruption in the world and fearing any minute now there will be another 911. They need to go. They are paranoid and cause more problems than they solve and NOW they want to pollute the minds of our children with ideas that their imaginary heroes, like Santa, are in danger along with them. It is disgusting. The USA military is too big with too much money. And to think a private contractor, namely Microsoft, is throwing in with them is simply outrageous. Never did I think it would ever come to this. Microsoft in this capacity is a plague on the country.