This is a map of the temperatures in the nation now.
Power Still Out for Thousands After Tornadoes Pound the Midwest (click here)
Published: November 18, 2013
...Emergency officials began allowing residents to examine their battered homes on Monday morning, estimating that up to 500 were damaged in this central Illinois city of 15,000. But by midmorning, officials determined that the worst-hit areas were unsafe and directed residents to abandon the wreckage and their search for belongings....
This same problem existed after Superstorm Sandy in case any official in the Midwest needs advice. I am confident any authority in the northeast USA would have plenty of insight and advice. There is probably a strategy now in the northeast that the nation should adopt as these traumatic storms are consistently part of the landscape now.
Are those examining the wreckage from the storm sure it was only EF4? That is a truck frame bent around a fairly sturdy tree. Most of the other vehicles are flatted, but, not bent like this one. This picture is at the Chicago Tribune click here.
The other reason I question an EF4 is because the other major tornadoes in 2013 were EF5s. El Reno. Bennington-Minneapolis. Moore. If the Climate Crisis is due to chronic heating of Earth and there is little to no relief from Greenhouse Gases would there not be a possibility of duplicity in the severity of the tornadoes being spawned.
The hurricanes are also becoming more static in their severity. It would be true that with Earth unable to cool, especially since this is autumn in the northern hemisphere, would the consistency of the vorticity of these storms not match each other. There would be no reason to expect them to be different than the one before, but, quite possibly identical.
As far as social issues (gossip called politics when it really isn't about policy):
Rob Ford is not leaving his position as mayor. I haven't heard of a petition for a new election or his impeachment. The media ought to leave him alone before he has a heart attack.
Zimmerman is enabled by an extremist Florida legislature. He certainly isn't helping his civil case. Does he have a job? Probably not. How about housing other than his live in girlfriends? Probably homeless. Is he still receiving monies for his attorneys and does is have another attorney?
Who else is the topic of attention? Maybe that rounds it off, if not I don't really care anyway.
Oh, yeah, Cheney. Liz is a Hillary Wannabee. So was Palin. Get into the second seat in power or become a Senator and then run for the White House. In the case of Cheney she would like to live her father's wishes and go back to Iraq to finish the job.
This is from the New York Times. A drop in emissions of Greenhouse Gases is very good news, however,...
Published: November 18, 2013
...The new figures (click here) were released late Monday by the Global Carbon Project, which tracks emissions. They showed that carbon dioxide emissions from the burning of fossil fuels and the production of cement rose by 2.1 percent in 2012, compared with 2011, and they are projected to rise by a similar amount in 2013. Since 2000, growth in such emissions had been running above 3 percent a year, on average.... order to achieve a less volitile troposphere the storage areas around the planet have to be resolved back to normal. So, while the EMISSIONS are dropping, and that is wonderful news, there will be a couple of other dynamics at work. So, if I may?
1. The negative feedback loops at work right now will continue until Earth becomes more benevolent to places like icefields and permafrost and undersea methane beds. That negative feedback loop will probably be one of the first signs of significant slowing of the warming. This was the last sign to show up in most recent years. However, there was damage in these negative feedback loops so the return will be lethargic without some degree of restoration effort, if that is possible.
ie: The Arctic Ocean returning to more than one year of ice and increasing it's density and ice extent.
2. There are places where greenhouse gases are now stored all over Earth. The largest containment substance are the oceans. Acidification was to be one of the most final damages to marine life. There is probably some, but, we have also witnessed large scale calcium carbonate deposits across the northern landlocked lakes this year. The most significant was Lake Erie. That type of reaction buffers the acidification of any water including ocean water.
CaCO3 in some regions can also affect Ca and CO32- concentrations.
So, the CO2 in the oceans is the largest of the storage areas for these gases. Once there is a movement out of the oceans and back into the troposphere they can be resolved as the lower emissions continue. It is a continuous process until the greenhouse gases in the troposphere are back to a more normal level. The popular number is 350 ppm.
The need for continued lower emissions cannot be understated. Not only that, but, we have to let Earth find it's benevolent balance again. We have lost rainforest and other significant carbon sinks such as damage to coral reefs. So, the recovery of an entire planet is not immediate or a miracle, it is sustained and persistent as long as the greenhouses gas emissions continue to fall.
It is very possible. This is not an unending nightmare if we are vigilant and persist. It has been about twelve years now that the troposphere has been gaining dangerous levels of heat. There will be more dangerous years, but, if we continue to diminish our greenhouse emissions we might be looking at less and maybe even far less than a decade of such problems.
Kindly remember. If the First World had paid profound attention to the warnings of it's scientists 50 years ago, we would never even know how terrible this can be. We can get back there. It is important we understand that simply because gases in the troposphere are invisible, they are to be respected. Earth is a unique planet. Beautiful and blue, but, it is still a planet capable of incredibly dangerous properties.
Good night.