Sebelius is not able to take a hard line with the insurance industry. It is not in her DNA. She doesn't have what it takes.
Look, if the insurance industries wanted this it would already been done. They are bastards. If they are willing to commit human rights abuses in allowing people to die for their profits, they'll do anything.
I just noted the Uptick to MSNBC to cover the storms in Illinois. Thank you. It is important. These folks have never been faced with anything like this and it isn't going to get easier.
There is hidden profits in ALLOWING THE BELIEF the government is causing laps in coverage.
This is premediated. Absolutely and I am fairly confident there should be an investigation in the Office of HHS and the allowance of the insurance industry in the rollout of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The companies have been in plans to defeat this for three years now. I am very confident they have their fingerprints in HHS.
The companies will continue to deny claims and enrollment claiming the law is so unclear they can't sincerely honor it. I don't buy it that the insurance industry is panicked about anything. They have control. The State Insurance Commissions have to take control of their exchanges and set down the standards and policies controlling WITHIN the standards set by the PPACA. We know this industry in the USA too well, they kill people and think nothing of it. The law has to regulate and enforce the law. That focus of enforcement has to be made clear to every CEO in the insurance industry and consumers will have to appeal any decision until the standards are well known to the consumers and their rights important.
This is not a smooth transition, but, it isn't being made any easier by the industry. This will be a fight until the law is fully implemented and even then there will be shenanigans. The Republicans don't have the answer, they'll destroy the law if given even a remote influence.
Now that the law is becoming real, there will be prosecutions at the State levels, no different than with the tobacco industry, for defrauding consumers and causing hardships. There will be civil suits and if the industry doesn't wise up, they'll find civil suits will put them out of business and the government will take over because of their inability to be an asset to the people of the USA.
Consumers have to remember, these premium costs are preliminary and if they are exploited by the industry, they will receive refunds at the end of the fiscal year. Consumers have to be resolute to their needs.
To those that believe they have been left out of the system that is not the case. They will receive better benefits that will provide better health. As this rolls out, there will be fixes to their needs. No one is left out and everyone is important. Their well being is more important than they want to believe right now.
Look, if the insurance industries wanted this it would already been done. They are bastards. If they are willing to commit human rights abuses in allowing people to die for their profits, they'll do anything.
I just noted the Uptick to MSNBC to cover the storms in Illinois. Thank you. It is important. These folks have never been faced with anything like this and it isn't going to get easier.
There is hidden profits in ALLOWING THE BELIEF the government is causing laps in coverage.
This is premediated. Absolutely and I am fairly confident there should be an investigation in the Office of HHS and the allowance of the insurance industry in the rollout of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The companies have been in plans to defeat this for three years now. I am very confident they have their fingerprints in HHS.
The companies will continue to deny claims and enrollment claiming the law is so unclear they can't sincerely honor it. I don't buy it that the insurance industry is panicked about anything. They have control. The State Insurance Commissions have to take control of their exchanges and set down the standards and policies controlling WITHIN the standards set by the PPACA. We know this industry in the USA too well, they kill people and think nothing of it. The law has to regulate and enforce the law. That focus of enforcement has to be made clear to every CEO in the insurance industry and consumers will have to appeal any decision until the standards are well known to the consumers and their rights important.
This is not a smooth transition, but, it isn't being made any easier by the industry. This will be a fight until the law is fully implemented and even then there will be shenanigans. The Republicans don't have the answer, they'll destroy the law if given even a remote influence.
Now that the law is becoming real, there will be prosecutions at the State levels, no different than with the tobacco industry, for defrauding consumers and causing hardships. There will be civil suits and if the industry doesn't wise up, they'll find civil suits will put them out of business and the government will take over because of their inability to be an asset to the people of the USA.
Consumers have to remember, these premium costs are preliminary and if they are exploited by the industry, they will receive refunds at the end of the fiscal year. Consumers have to be resolute to their needs.
To those that believe they have been left out of the system that is not the case. They will receive better benefits that will provide better health. As this rolls out, there will be fixes to their needs. No one is left out and everyone is important. Their well being is more important than they want to believe right now.