The USA has a problem as do other nations that claim their government exerts open and free elections. I'll use the USA as an example to this dynamic.
Democracy is dominated by the undercurrent of religious values within their members of government in the USA. This has nothing to do with atheism. I have nothing against atheism and understanding that is the definition of diversity.
Diversity is a requirement of a healthy democracy. Diversity enhances all spectrum of human experience and brings it to the government to consider as a growing benevolent experience. I am sure Europe already has entertained the idea that some of Christianity is based in suffering and exclusivity of belief, basically 'the one true faith.' In that theology is a lot of room for abuse of the members of the faith. Suffering is not too much to ask of them and that is most prevalent in the Bible Belt of the USA. Capitalists take advantage of the oppressive nature of Bible Belt Christianity in the USA.
This entry is about entering the idea that a mass number of people can be constrained within a PROFIT driven paradigm whereby few reap the riches while the masses suffer under leadership promising the return of God to redeem their world.
I don't hate God.
This is map of the Evangelical existence of the faith in the world. (click here)
It is massive. It is global and it has a mission. That mission is far more aggressive than any other faith including Roman Catholic based in the Vatican.
Evangelicals by the nature of their theology are rather meek and worry about that meekness in the way of protections to their faith and their ability to carry out their theology in that bring others to their reality is a requirement. The world sees that in Mormonism as well. While they are missionaries and non-profits, they also have a mission that is understood in the monies and time they spend. The idea that religion can serve the purpose of Wall Street CEOs is a very real dynamic.
The Founders of the USA Constitution demanded there be separation of church and state. The reasons are obvious. Demanding all people of a nation to worship a 'One Church' is oppression. In the case of the USA Founders, they were searching for religious freedom away from the Queen's Church. There are many, even today, that believe The Church of England has a basis in heretic theology. It was a church founded by King Henry the VIII to accommodate his divorces. That is not the point here and this is not a discussion on the benefits of one religion over another or one 'serviceable' theology over another.
What the USA Founders realized by belief, experience and instinct was the oppressive nature of an Overlord based in religious belief. The Overlord is the issue here.
What astounded me about the Bush Presidency is the huge and massive movement of Evangelical Christianity as a political base. Then to realize Iraq was a designer war is more than alarming.
To realize Russia has existing religions within its borders and always has the idea it is an atheistic nation is propaganda and always has been.
The highlighting of Indonesia on this map is simply a convenience of the computer pointer. But, this world map of an Evangelical website (click here) is more than enlightening.
As one moves the pointer of the computer over each iconic face surrounding the globe there are huge numbers of people accompanying that one iconic face. In the case of Indonesia/Southeast Asia the numbers are this: Population 550.7 million. The USA has a population sightly over 300 million last I checked. According to this website that population exists in 12 countries, not one with 1525 groups, where as the USA has very limited groups of majorities of people. The USA also allows a group of this religious content that dominates an entire electorate and the base of a political party. The global map also points to People Groups Unreached and Unengaged. 606 and 255 resepctively.
Remember the White American Woman selling the idea of "Millionaire Mindset?" Yes? It is a previous entry if the answer to that question is no.
The USA currently, through actions taken to the USA Supreme Court, allows "Religion Based" non-profits. Guess where these folks are going to find their Millionaire People Mindset Groups. Religion Based Non-Profits can receive funding from the USA government. Getting the picture. Religion Based Non-Profits in a country outside the USA that allows hatred and discrimination can actually make huge strides in expanding their member base with promises of services they provide, even in the way of education. I am quite sure if these Religion Based Non-Profits that receive funding through the USA government were audited they would have found OUR MONIES are buying them members for services. It is coercive and acts as a wedge to foreign governments, especially where other religions, such as Muslim, are well established.
The point is this. There is a growth in anti-gay expression in Russia. The current Russian government is not stupid. But, there is opposition to it. I have watched President Putin and admired him for a long time since the fall of the Soviet Union. This third term is taking a different tone. Now, some might say it is necessary and I am certain he sees Russia as a rising power and one that is necessary to temper the last Superpower, namely the USA. The extremism that is growing within government expression during this term of President Putin is not at all dissimilar from that of Bush/Cheney.
What else do we know? We know that Wall Street is coveting BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China). To have such a drastic and oppressive policy come from Russia having experienced this 'trend' in the USA, there is only ONE logical conclusion. That conclusion is that globally, Evangelicals are tucking themselves into bed, knowingly or not, with Wall Street to expand their member base and spread the DEVOTION to suffering that accompanies to redeem their sorry souls.
This is not new. I am quite certain China is aware of it and to some extent Russia. But, in Russia the Old Communists are becoming old and retired, no different than Cheney and his bunch of rich morons. Hell, by every right Cheney should be dead by now, except, for the USA's health care system.
What do we know about winning elections? What works for the marginalized GOP otherwise known as the Tea Party? Money wins elections and no one is going to tell me John Roberts and what's his name Alito doesn't know that and banked on Citizen's United with a knowledge base noted above.
Not only Money, but, a lot of it supplied by Wall Street along with 'insider government' oppressing the electorate to vote on a specific path. What would make people vote against their best interest and willing to be oppressed?
I'll write that again, what would make people vote against their best interests and willing to be oppressed?
What indeed? How about a belief system where by THEIR SOULS are on the line and what better than a nation reflecting the morality of their GOD.
What makes people spend their money against their own best interests? What indeed. Propaganda and the belief the product is necessary in one's life to live their beliefs and exonerate their sorry lives.
The theology of Evangelical Christianity fits perfectly into a Wall Street paradigm of profits.
Have a better day.
Democracy is dominated by the undercurrent of religious values within their members of government in the USA. This has nothing to do with atheism. I have nothing against atheism and understanding that is the definition of diversity.
Diversity is a requirement of a healthy democracy. Diversity enhances all spectrum of human experience and brings it to the government to consider as a growing benevolent experience. I am sure Europe already has entertained the idea that some of Christianity is based in suffering and exclusivity of belief, basically 'the one true faith.' In that theology is a lot of room for abuse of the members of the faith. Suffering is not too much to ask of them and that is most prevalent in the Bible Belt of the USA. Capitalists take advantage of the oppressive nature of Bible Belt Christianity in the USA.
This entry is about entering the idea that a mass number of people can be constrained within a PROFIT driven paradigm whereby few reap the riches while the masses suffer under leadership promising the return of God to redeem their world.
I don't hate God.
This is map of the Evangelical existence of the faith in the world. (click here)
It is massive. It is global and it has a mission. That mission is far more aggressive than any other faith including Roman Catholic based in the Vatican.
Evangelicals by the nature of their theology are rather meek and worry about that meekness in the way of protections to their faith and their ability to carry out their theology in that bring others to their reality is a requirement. The world sees that in Mormonism as well. While they are missionaries and non-profits, they also have a mission that is understood in the monies and time they spend. The idea that religion can serve the purpose of Wall Street CEOs is a very real dynamic.
The Founders of the USA Constitution demanded there be separation of church and state. The reasons are obvious. Demanding all people of a nation to worship a 'One Church' is oppression. In the case of the USA Founders, they were searching for religious freedom away from the Queen's Church. There are many, even today, that believe The Church of England has a basis in heretic theology. It was a church founded by King Henry the VIII to accommodate his divorces. That is not the point here and this is not a discussion on the benefits of one religion over another or one 'serviceable' theology over another.
What the USA Founders realized by belief, experience and instinct was the oppressive nature of an Overlord based in religious belief. The Overlord is the issue here.
What astounded me about the Bush Presidency is the huge and massive movement of Evangelical Christianity as a political base. Then to realize Iraq was a designer war is more than alarming.

The highlighting of Indonesia on this map is simply a convenience of the computer pointer. But, this world map of an Evangelical website (click here) is more than enlightening.
As one moves the pointer of the computer over each iconic face surrounding the globe there are huge numbers of people accompanying that one iconic face. In the case of Indonesia/Southeast Asia the numbers are this: Population 550.7 million. The USA has a population sightly over 300 million last I checked. According to this website that population exists in 12 countries, not one with 1525 groups, where as the USA has very limited groups of majorities of people. The USA also allows a group of this religious content that dominates an entire electorate and the base of a political party. The global map also points to People Groups Unreached and Unengaged. 606 and 255 resepctively.
Remember the White American Woman selling the idea of "Millionaire Mindset?" Yes? It is a previous entry if the answer to that question is no.
The USA currently, through actions taken to the USA Supreme Court, allows "Religion Based" non-profits. Guess where these folks are going to find their Millionaire People Mindset Groups. Religion Based Non-Profits can receive funding from the USA government. Getting the picture. Religion Based Non-Profits in a country outside the USA that allows hatred and discrimination can actually make huge strides in expanding their member base with promises of services they provide, even in the way of education. I am quite sure if these Religion Based Non-Profits that receive funding through the USA government were audited they would have found OUR MONIES are buying them members for services. It is coercive and acts as a wedge to foreign governments, especially where other religions, such as Muslim, are well established.
The point is this. There is a growth in anti-gay expression in Russia. The current Russian government is not stupid. But, there is opposition to it. I have watched President Putin and admired him for a long time since the fall of the Soviet Union. This third term is taking a different tone. Now, some might say it is necessary and I am certain he sees Russia as a rising power and one that is necessary to temper the last Superpower, namely the USA. The extremism that is growing within government expression during this term of President Putin is not at all dissimilar from that of Bush/Cheney.
What else do we know? We know that Wall Street is coveting BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China). To have such a drastic and oppressive policy come from Russia having experienced this 'trend' in the USA, there is only ONE logical conclusion. That conclusion is that globally, Evangelicals are tucking themselves into bed, knowingly or not, with Wall Street to expand their member base and spread the DEVOTION to suffering that accompanies to redeem their sorry souls.
This is not new. I am quite certain China is aware of it and to some extent Russia. But, in Russia the Old Communists are becoming old and retired, no different than Cheney and his bunch of rich morons. Hell, by every right Cheney should be dead by now, except, for the USA's health care system.
What do we know about winning elections? What works for the marginalized GOP otherwise known as the Tea Party? Money wins elections and no one is going to tell me John Roberts and what's his name Alito doesn't know that and banked on Citizen's United with a knowledge base noted above.
Not only Money, but, a lot of it supplied by Wall Street along with 'insider government' oppressing the electorate to vote on a specific path. What would make people vote against their best interest and willing to be oppressed?
I'll write that again, what would make people vote against their best interests and willing to be oppressed?
What indeed? How about a belief system where by THEIR SOULS are on the line and what better than a nation reflecting the morality of their GOD.
What makes people spend their money against their own best interests? What indeed. Propaganda and the belief the product is necessary in one's life to live their beliefs and exonerate their sorry lives.
The theology of Evangelical Christianity fits perfectly into a Wall Street paradigm of profits.
Have a better day.