Believe me when I tell you, the Gulf of Mexico is not valued at all for it's fisheries. Ask how many super-rich fisherman you know. Better yet, how many rich fisherman exist in the world. It ain't many. So, when border skirmishes get serious enough for the USA military to be screaming "Threat to USA National Security," then you'll know why.
China and Russia have huge offshore oil and gas deposits as well as terrestrial deposits. Their borders run right up against USA allies such as Japan and Taiwan. Does it all make sense yet?
It is all in the GEOLOGICALS. This is the Vietnam geologicals. The thing about it is that when Vietnam comes to the USA they are looking to become the next Taiwan. I apologize if I am wrong. But, then they go to China with it's untapped reserves, they are sincerely concerned for their fisheries, hence the treaty.
When Vietnam seeks more petroleum wealth for their country, one has to wonder what benefit the people will receive. The country's leadership also has to look to other nations like that of Nigeria and Ecuador to realize their people will be dying of cancers they cannot control. Their populations will fall and the pollution will last forever.
Vietnam's petroleum reserves should be managed to provide for the small country and not squandered. Vietnam has to build competency in educational systems to bring about a national brain trust, too. They will need their health care systems and more modernization than the leadership may realize.
Once the waters are polluted the people no longer have a viable food source. When companies come to Vietnam or any other Third World country, including China, they need to take example of the laws of the USA to reclaim THE LAND and THE WATER. Those that pollute must PAY.
Wealth should never be so attractive it destroys the future of the sovereignty, burden a nation with grief of generations or pollute or PULVERIZE IT with such techniques as hydraulic fracturing the land with none left to call cities.
Those in power of the wealth of the petroleum industry already have their 'personal land use' staked out. They don't care about the deaths of millions or the future of their children.
Curse of the Black Gold (click here)
Hope and betrayal on the Niger Delta
By Tom O'Neill
Something about China that completely surprised me and I don't why, except, to realize they were naive and kept that way for what seems like decades. And then wonders why the USA is hated sometimes.
While cheap labor was a desire of Wall Street and so much of the USA was outsourced to the point of hideous collapse of the Middle Class; Wall Street never bothered to educate the people of China along with the investment they were making.
The Chinese are struggling to feed their people without killing them. The baby formula issue is not settled. Families spend their money on imports to be sure their child will not become sick and die. The families sometimes live in poverty, except, for the baby formula on the shelves.
The pharmaceuticals coming out of China were found to be contaminated only to kill Americans. It was when American pets, children and consumers were found to be irreparably harmed did the Chinese Industrial Complex finally become an issue. What kind of leadership is that within the USA? What kind of leadership is that on Wall Street?
The outsourcing brought wealth to China but it never translated in to a better quality of life for the people, hence no Middle Class and the continued draconian economy of the USA. When Goldman-Sachs states there will another economic collapse they are bemoaning their losses due to their investment in China. Their view of the global economy is completely myopic and never expected the USA's people to develop their own local economies that exclude them.
Think about it.
China and Russia have huge offshore oil and gas deposits as well as terrestrial deposits. Their borders run right up against USA allies such as Japan and Taiwan. Does it all make sense yet?

When Vietnam seeks more petroleum wealth for their country, one has to wonder what benefit the people will receive. The country's leadership also has to look to other nations like that of Nigeria and Ecuador to realize their people will be dying of cancers they cannot control. Their populations will fall and the pollution will last forever.

Once the waters are polluted the people no longer have a viable food source. When companies come to Vietnam or any other Third World country, including China, they need to take example of the laws of the USA to reclaim THE LAND and THE WATER. Those that pollute must PAY.
Wealth should never be so attractive it destroys the future of the sovereignty, burden a nation with grief of generations or pollute or PULVERIZE IT with such techniques as hydraulic fracturing the land with none left to call cities.
Those in power of the wealth of the petroleum industry already have their 'personal land use' staked out. They don't care about the deaths of millions or the future of their children.
Curse of the Black Gold (click here)
Hope and betrayal on the Niger Delta
By Tom O'Neill
National Geographic staff
Photograph by Ed Kashi
Oil fouls everything in southern Nigeria. It spills from the
pipelines, poisoning soil and water. It stains the hands of politicians
and generals, who siphon off its profits. It taints the ambitions of the
young, who will try anything to scoop up a share of the liquid
riches—fire a gun, sabotage a pipeline, kidnap a foreigner.
Nigeria had all the makings of an uplifting tale: poor African nation
blessed with enormous sudden wealth. Visions of prosperity rose with the
same force as the oil that first gushed from the Niger Delta's marshy
ground in 1956. The world market craved delta crude, a "sweet,"
low-sulfur liquid called Bonny Light, easily refined into gasoline and
diesel. By the mid-1970s, Nigeria had joined OPEC (Organization of
Petroleum Exporting Countries), and the government's budget bulged with
Everything looked possible—but everything went wrong....
Everything looked possible—but everything went wrong....
Something about China that completely surprised me and I don't why, except, to realize they were naive and kept that way for what seems like decades. And then wonders why the USA is hated sometimes.
While cheap labor was a desire of Wall Street and so much of the USA was outsourced to the point of hideous collapse of the Middle Class; Wall Street never bothered to educate the people of China along with the investment they were making.
The Chinese are struggling to feed their people without killing them. The baby formula issue is not settled. Families spend their money on imports to be sure their child will not become sick and die. The families sometimes live in poverty, except, for the baby formula on the shelves.
The pharmaceuticals coming out of China were found to be contaminated only to kill Americans. It was when American pets, children and consumers were found to be irreparably harmed did the Chinese Industrial Complex finally become an issue. What kind of leadership is that within the USA? What kind of leadership is that on Wall Street?
The outsourcing brought wealth to China but it never translated in to a better quality of life for the people, hence no Middle Class and the continued draconian economy of the USA. When Goldman-Sachs states there will another economic collapse they are bemoaning their losses due to their investment in China. Their view of the global economy is completely myopic and never expected the USA's people to develop their own local economies that exclude them.
Think about it.