Friday, June 28, 2013

Rick Perry needs money for his political campaign.

Difficult circumstances are okay with Rick Perry, desirable even.

Being a teen mother is okay with Rick Perry.

EVENTUALLY, women born into difficult circumstances and are teen mothers CATCH UP with everyone else and even surpass someone born with a silver spoon in their mouth.

Dear god, these women are suppose to understand they have a savior and it is Rick Perry.

Every life matters. Being a man does he realize how many ovum never see the light of day in a woman's lifetime? Does he? I am curious.

Rick Perry stated, "Democracy was stolen." He takes example from whom exactly, because the last time I checked in at the US Senate there was a man by the name of McConnell stealing democracy everyday."

There stands Rick Perry and he now gets money for his political ambitions. The cost? Women's lives. Does anyone want to elect a man that oppresses women, believes the consequences of teen pregnancy should be poverty, delays a woman's potential while robbing society of her leadership and expertise and allows them to die in back street abortion clinics as Governor of Texas again or still worse, President of the United States of America?

Is there any doubt about that question?