May 17, 2013
UNISYS Water Vapor Satellite of north and west hemisphere (click here for 12 hour loop)
Three in the midwest, one in the southeast, Texas and the west coast has a burgeoning vortex that came out of nowhere.
The temperature variations across the country validate the current status.
Along the entire ridge of air between high temperatures and low temperatures are causing increased storm opportunity.

May 17, 2013
0815 PM EDT
Weather Channel Current Temperature Map
The turbulence started mildly about there hours ago, but, within the past hour there is a persistence about the eruptions.
The good news could be if the heat disturbance is scattered over a larger geographical area it could result in lower turbulence throughout. But, that is somewhat wishful thinking. Physics is physics and the turbulence is less connected to vortex oscillation dynamics and more simple 'front disturbance.'
The Texas disturbance is right at the juncture of where the temperature changes move from 85 - 96 and 73 degrees Fahrenheit. Something's got to give.
Same is true with Nebraska - 90 and 78 degree difference. Nebraska has winds coming into that area from the southeast and southwest. Hot air migrating at about 30 - 35 mph into that single area.
Nebraska's isobars are significantly odd. Exactly where the turbulence is occurring it drops from 1007 to 1004. The 1004 isobar is narrow and the west side of that ridge has a reading of 1001.
The Texas turbulence is exactly the same dynamic. It is occurring exactly at the isobar change. 1008 - 1007 into a low central pressure of 1004.
The southeast turbulence is more attached to a vortex oscillation dynamic and occurs solidly behind isobar 1016.
The vortex formation is over central Idaho with a center of 1008. There is a secondary circulation center slightly northeast of that location, but, it's isobar is 1012 which leads me to believe the vortex center is actually at the 1008 location. The air just outside of that center in Idaho is 1007 which supports this formation into a low pressure center.
UNISYS Water Vapor Satellite of north and west hemisphere (click here for 12 hour loop)
Three in the midwest, one in the southeast, Texas and the west coast has a burgeoning vortex that came out of nowhere.
The temperature variations across the country validate the current status.
Along the entire ridge of air between high temperatures and low temperatures are causing increased storm opportunity.

May 17, 2013
0815 PM EDT
Weather Channel Current Temperature Map
The good news could be if the heat disturbance is scattered over a larger geographical area it could result in lower turbulence throughout. But, that is somewhat wishful thinking. Physics is physics and the turbulence is less connected to vortex oscillation dynamics and more simple 'front disturbance.'
The Texas disturbance is right at the juncture of where the temperature changes move from 85 - 96 and 73 degrees Fahrenheit. Something's got to give.

Nebraska's isobars are significantly odd. Exactly where the turbulence is occurring it drops from 1007 to 1004. The 1004 isobar is narrow and the west side of that ridge has a reading of 1001.
The Texas turbulence is exactly the same dynamic. It is occurring exactly at the isobar change. 1008 - 1007 into a low central pressure of 1004.
The southeast turbulence is more attached to a vortex oscillation dynamic and occurs solidly behind isobar 1016.
The vortex formation is over central Idaho with a center of 1008. There is a secondary circulation center slightly northeast of that location, but, it's isobar is 1012 which leads me to believe the vortex center is actually at the 1008 location. The air just outside of that center in Idaho is 1007 which supports this formation into a low pressure center.