Friday, May 17, 2013

The Associated Press is guilty as hell. The Press is seeing it completely wrong. This is NOT a PR lie. This event actually occurred and this was seriously important classified information. These were agents at work. Grow up!

I just love it when the Press whines and cries when Ambassador Wilson writes an Op-Ed in the NYTimes, but, believes outing agents and their activity when it suits them is okay.


Both incidents are wrong or not at all. Valerie Plame should still be working to stem nuclear dynamics in this world. The AP was hugely wrong, not just a little bit wrong!

Joe Wilson told the world the Bush White House was planning an illegal war. In retaliation Cheney outed his wife. Get over yourself. If the Press is conveniently going to release classified information at will then they are no better than Cheney.

Damn, I wish there was a Harry Potter marathon this weekend.

Oh, cool, "Capitalism a Love Story" is on at Current TV.