Sunday, July 08, 2012

The most outrageous statement I heard today...

...was again by Stephen Moore.

He complained that Mitt Romney had to not only pay corporate tax on his businesses, he had to pay personal tax as well.

Is that not like an amazing statement or what?

Romney was founder of Bain Capital. He was employed as a CEO receiving a salary. He owns stock in the company he started. That stock was facilitated by initial investments and incorporation. Now, the complaint is Romney has to pay personal income tax and his corporation has to pay income tax, too.

Is that some of the most twisted thinking in the entire world? The ego involved believing that a corporation founded by someone should supply its founder with unlimited income without tax, while it pays income tax is completely bizarre. 

Individuals and corporation are two separate legal entities, but, maybe Romney has a marriage with his corporation since he believes they are people. I just wonder if his wife knows.