Sunday, June 03, 2012

Poor Record Management Systems from prior administration.

This is from the March 2011 Memoradum referred to by the "Atlanta Journal Constitution Fact Check."  It is dated March 3, 3011 to be exact from Mr. Gregory H. Friedman, Inspector General, Department of Energy. The title of the memo is "Audit Report on "The Department of Energy's Loan Guarantee Program for Clean Energy Technologies" (click here)

The records management system in most government institutions is antiquated. The exceptions are more likely to be the military and police. Technology is a priority there. So, when The Recovery Act was passed the department of energy was given funds to update their infrastructure, however, the need to expedite the monies out of their budget took priority as Americans were losing jobs by the hundred thousands. So, the department made due with what they had and later focused on integrating systems that would give them greater capacity. Some of the recordkeeping was not filed. It wasn't as though the assessment of the companies applying for the grants was not done, it was. However, the written record was not necessarily completed once the assessor made a decision, as a result...(see highlighted in bold)

Records Management System
We found that the Program had not developed and implemented a comprehensive records
management system. Although the Program's website referenced Federal requirements for loan documentation, the Program had not adopted a records management system that would have imposed structure, consistency and discipline in the development and retention of loan documentation. Symptomatic of this, Senior Investment Officers responsible for many aspects of the loan guarantee process told us that they were unaware of the Program's policy regarding the types of documentation that needed to be kept and, therefore, did not always record the results of analyses conducted during the due diligence process. As previously noted, while the Department had decided to use a formal electronic information system designed to store important loan records, that system had not been completely populated by Program officials. As a result, it did not provide what was intended to be a centralized, accessible and effective source of critically important Program information.

The assertion by Romney that President Obama simply handed out monies to friends and family is a blatant lie. It is a lie I haven't heard from Murdoch. So, I have to conclude his campaign is not only unreliable in their fact finding, but, down right cut throat to the core no different than Romney's business practices at Bain. 

Do I detect a personality here? Cool, ruthless and simply desperate.