Sunday, June 03, 2012

Now, about the Ideology of the GOP about economics, not social engineering, but economics.

This diagram is straight out of Wikipedia (click here). I don't want to hear how Wiki is not the best source, because it isn't possible to go that far wrong on basic economic diagrams. This is not rocket science. At all.

At the bottom of the diagram are years and then it breaks down further into fiscal quarters of a year. The diagram is called a V-shaped recession. When I realize the simplicity in naming this diagram it conjurs up recollections of the petroleum industry and their 'junk shot' and 'top hat,' but, hey everyone has a right, ya know?

And this is the kind of recovery the former Governor of Florida, Jeb Bush wants to see with the USA. It doesn't matter if he signs pledges or not because he says the same stupid stuff every other Republican says. The scary part, not the real scary part, but only the scary part is that Jeb Bush actually believes what he says. He actually believes if there are continued tax cuts rather than tax reform, lower tax rates for the wealthy and deregulation at every turn this will result. 

The problem is this type of 'design' of economic recovery costs a lot more than Jeb Bush even realizes. An economy where pollution of land and water and the melting of polar caps results causing damaging weather systems, deaths and personal economic ruin of citizens is NOT MORAL. It is an economy of desperation of political puppets bought by Wall Street. We need to change our infrastructure and have sustainable good paying jobs and that won't happen if all is sacrificed. When all is sacrificed Americans get sicker, their longevity wains and they are victims of the GOP economy and not the victors. 

Oh, yeah, the real scary part is that Jeb Bush oversaw the purging of thousands of citizens in Florida in 2008 and the current Governor of Florida is doing the exact same thing today. I mean is the GOP serial offenders or what?