Friday, May 18, 2012

It is more than obvious what happened. Those are minor injuries to Gangsta Zimmerman.

This Feb. 27, 2012 photo released by the State Attorney's Office shows George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer who shot Trayvon Martin, with blood on the back of his head.(Associated Press / May 17, 2012)

"Free Country" Really? The question that comes to mind is "free of what?"

May 17, 2011
5:11 p.m.
...Officials late Thursday afternoon (click here) released a massive cache of documents, photographs and investigative reports on the Feb. 26 confrontation between Zimmerman and Martin, a fateful meeting that left Martin dead and Zimmerman eventually facing second-degree murder charges. The documents include the medical examiner’s report on Martin, photographs of the scene and of Zimmerman taken that night, and investigators’ recommendations that Zimmerman be charged. The file, called discovery material, was turned over to the defense this week....

The evidence is more than clear. Trayvon Martin in a hoodie carrying his Skittles and Arizona Iced Tea walking home found himself followed by "Mr. Free Country" in his fan. In his progression home Trayvon Martin was INTERRUPTED. He was interrupted by a man determined to make a point about the lack ability of the police to respond in a timely way to stop criminals.

Mr. Neighborhood Watch was emboldened with a side arm and proceeded to take the law into his own hands. He followed Trayvon Martin and confronted him. Trayvon Martin did the only thing he could and punched a 'would be assailant' in the nose. The punch was strong coming from a young man and knocked Mr. Neighborhood Watch Gangsta to the ground. In fear of what was now a reality of his own making he pulled the gun and shot Trayvon Martin standing at least 3 feet away, at point blank range. 

Trayvon Martin has probably never held a gun in his hands or fired one and he certainly had his mind on his own business in conversation with his girlfriend. Trayvon Martin had no 'mind set' regarding danger or the danger of guns or the idea his Father's neighborhood was riddled with gun violence. He felt confident enough to take on someone who decided to act in aggression while following him. Trayvon Martin acting to protect himself from an assailant was killed by that assailant.

Trayvon Martin was labeled by Mr. Gangsta Zimmerman from the "Free Nation" 'mind set' as a hooded criminal causing loss of property in the neighborhood with absolutely no proof and not even knowing whom Trayvon was to his Father whom lived there. 

So, let me get this right, Gangsta George was a neighborhood watch person but didn't know SHIT about whom lived there or whom there guests were.

Zimmerman has money and he will run. That head wound is NOTHING. Scalp wounds bleed a lot by any means obtained. How many times does a child receive attention for 'splitting open their scalp' after falling. 

Trayvon Martin had a small abrasion on one hand ONLY because he never was allowed a second punch or a chance to run. On the other hand, Zimmerman had a chance to 'cry chicken' and leave, but, never did.

George Zimmerman was not pummeled by Trayvon Martin, there are no RACOON EYES, broken cheek bones or any other facial lacerations. Trayvon Martin landed one good punch of which he was completely within the laws of self defense to do when he was gunned down by a self-righteous right wing gun slinger.