March 3, 2012
UNISYS Water Vapor Satellite of the North and West Hemisphere (click title to entry for 12 hour loop - thank you)
The hot air off the Equator is a bit dispelled right now, but, that doesn't mean anything in the long view.
The lack of hot air is temporary, when viewed beyond a hemispheric view, but, one of a global assessment, this is a lull.
What occurs when there are tornado outbreaks is the troposphere has eliminated energy in the troposphere. With each sunrise comes more energy entering the troposphere and with a think blanket of carbon dioxide to hold it, the infrared spectrum of Earth's mechanism means the 'energy used' is now replenished.
UNISYS Water Vapor Satellite of the North and West Hemisphere (click title to entry for 12 hour loop - thank you)
The hot air off the Equator is a bit dispelled right now, but, that doesn't mean anything in the long view.
The lack of hot air is temporary, when viewed beyond a hemispheric view, but, one of a global assessment, this is a lull.
What occurs when there are tornado outbreaks is the troposphere has eliminated energy in the troposphere. With each sunrise comes more energy entering the troposphere and with a think blanket of carbon dioxide to hold it, the infrared spectrum of Earth's mechanism means the 'energy used' is now replenished.
Energy in a 'system' is constant. So, with sunrise there is energy that enters the Earth's tropospheric system in the mechanism called 'wavelength.' One wavelength enters Earth's troposphere and magically (sort of) when it touches the surface of Earth it is returned to the air mass in the way of infrared wavelength. The CO2 and other Greenhouse Gases provides a mechanism to hold the heat against the surface of the Earth. It is the capacity of the Greenhouse Gases that allows life on Earth.
Earth, by nature, is an ice planet. We know this from records well studied and evidence maintained, but, when a build up of Greenhouse Gases occur Earth quickly heats. While 5 degrees Centigrade over the polar ice caps seems small, it is not when one considers how well balanced Earth is to maintain a livable troposphere for creatures with body temperatures of 98.6.
The quality that protects life on Earth is also a very delicate element to the planet. So, when heat enters 'the Earth system' everyday (24/7 actually - but, 'direct sunlight' is the power element) it will remain within that system until it finds 'definition.' When Earth loses its balance 'things happen.' Things like tornadoes. So, while the picture over the north and west hemisphere appears 'quiet' today, it is not, it is simply in transition to the next does of energy from Sol.