Monday, February 13, 2012

The Republicans are getting away with murder...

...while the jackass press is engaged in a wedge issue for ratings.

There are many denominations of 'Catholic Church' the one with the most distress over the USA's demand to have the dignity of women upheld is the Romany Catholic Church.  So, for those CONFUSED about how many 'types' of Roman Catholic there are, it is only ONE!  There is no liberal branch or conservative branch; there is simply the hierarchy and the parishioners.

The USA is NOT, I repeat NOT, going to treat women as chattel as the Roman Catholic Church would like to see them treated !

The Roman Catholic Church has more problems with state of the art medicine than a bus load of pregnant nuns!

This attempted 'power play' by the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church is simply a long line of idiot stances on modern day medicine, including, stem cell research, the social safety new for women, NUTRITION AND HYDRATION (Also known as The Living Will), any form of petri dish and organ transplants.

This discussion is over and I want Kasick to explain why he and his legislature wants to provide LIBERAL LAWS for exotic animal farms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Press will not turn successful and happy Roman Catholic marriages into stress nutcases for the sake of Damned GOP Wedge Issues!