Oct 11, 2011 6:34pm
Unemployed Hold Prayer Vigil Before Jobs Bill Vote (click title to entry – thank you)
…The prayer was led by Rev. Paul Sherry, director of the Interfaith Worker Justice Public Policy Office, in support of the jobs bill, urging senators to pass the bill this week.
“We commit ourselves to pray unceasingly until justice is done, until every person in our blessed land who wants and needs a job, a good job, receives a good job,” Sherry said in front of the group of about 100 who had gathered in the Hart building atrium. “It is long past time to end the suffering for so many Americans.”
Sherry said that they will “walk the halls of Congress until those elected to serve all the people listen and respond. … We will pray that those in seats of power will hear our voice.”
The event was organized by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), who gathered unemployed and underemployed workers to join the prayer vigil….
Occupy Wall Street protestors want fairness and a future (click here)
Published: Wednesday, October 12, 2011, 1:09 PM
Updated: Wednesday, October 12, 2011, 1:09 PM
...In the end, Cain admits his cluelessness: "I don’t understand these demonstrations and what it is they’re looking for." It’s simple, Herman. They’re looking for fairness. And a chance at a future.
The protesters certainly don’t need a lecture from Cain, a self-made millionaire who has turned into a self-promoting two-fer — a presidential candidate hawking a new autobiography. They don’t lack a work ethic. They lack opportunity.
They are students who mortgaged their futures for an education and a middle-class existence, only to find an imploded economy and a political system, rigged by (and for) the rich, unwilling to help. They are middle-age workers who, after playing by the rules, have been kicked out of their jobs and homes and forgotten. They are seniors who will never be able to retire.
They want the wealthy taxed at a fair rate, so the nation will stop slashing its safety nets.
And what do Cain — who wants to be president — and his Trump Tower Republicans offer the nation’s disenfranchised? Disdain and the backs of their hands....