Pakistan Parliament (click title to entry - thank you)
This is from "Dawn" a Pakistani paper. The Anti-Amcrican ads are interesting. They seek to say the USA President is full of fear. Nice people, real nice.
Look, from the beginning it has been my point of view the USA under Rumsfeld should have fought their way across Pakistan into Afghanistan, but, they have nuclear technology. So, instead we had to pay through the nose for every inch of airspace the USA needed.
Pakistan is corrupt to the core. They have killed more decent leaders than they have honored.
Musharraf was no friend to the free world. He was more a war lord then those in the country, that is why is was President for so long. It was only with global attention focused on him that he finally began to conduct himself as someone who may be concerned about the needs and views of the West. He couldn't care less if al Qaeda was operating form within Pakistan.
...US strikes doubled last year, with more than 100 drone operations killing over 670 people, according to an AFP tally, and the CIA has said the covert programme has severely disrupted al Qaeda’s leadership.
A US drone strike in North Waziristan tribal region near the Afghan border on Thursday killed three militants.
It was the fourth such attack reported in Pakistan’s tribal badlands on the Afghan border, which Washington has dubbed the global headquarters of al Qaeda, since US Navy SEALs killed bin Laden in Abbottabad....
One would expect the Pakistan government to breath a sigh of relief the USA was taking down some of the most deadly criminals in the world, but, no, not Pakistan. After all, there is India and Kashmir.
It is more than interesting to realize Pakistan is the lauching point for young Islamic men that seek to experience and particiapte in Jihad. I refer to John Walker Lindh. As soon as that story was realized everyone should have known what the USA and allies were facing in the region.
Lindh is interesting from the standpoint of where young men go to fight the holy war. He never wanted to fight the USA, he was interested in fulfilling an 'ideal.' How lucky for bin Laden to have all these young men come to a common place to fight jihad. You talk about a 'set up,' a general couldn't hope for better. And, did Pakistan ever stop it? NOooooooo.....
Was Pakistan ever an ally? At one time it tried to be, during that time we had decent people within its leadership, but, with the death of Benazir Bhutto and so many of her family over the decades; all one has to realize is the corruption and distain that country has for civilization.
This is what the Taliban are doing to the peolpe in Pakistan, yet what does the Pakistan Parliament do? Single out the USA to try to gain power over our military.
It is the 'warlord' culture that can't be destroyed and it is the 'warlords' that will cause problems from now to the end of time. Just think about it, you could be a warlord, too.
Warlords are crime bosses. Same thing. Corruption.
A man, (click here) who lost his family member in twin suicide bombs attacks, reacts as he talks on a phone in Peshawar, Pakistan on Friday, May 13, 2011. Twin explosions struck a paramilitary training center in northwestern Pakistan on Friday, in the bloodiest attack in the country since a U.S. raid killed al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden. (AP photo)
In joint sitting of parliament lasting more than 10 hours, lawmakers debated the “situation arising from unilateral US action in Abbottabad” which targeted bin Laden. –File Photo
This is from "Dawn" a Pakistani paper. The Anti-Amcrican ads are interesting. They seek to say the USA President is full of fear. Nice people, real nice.
Look, from the beginning it has been my point of view the USA under Rumsfeld should have fought their way across Pakistan into Afghanistan, but, they have nuclear technology. So, instead we had to pay through the nose for every inch of airspace the USA needed.
Pakistan is corrupt to the core. They have killed more decent leaders than they have honored.
Musharraf was no friend to the free world. He was more a war lord then those in the country, that is why is was President for so long. It was only with global attention focused on him that he finally began to conduct himself as someone who may be concerned about the needs and views of the West. He couldn't care less if al Qaeda was operating form within Pakistan.
...US strikes doubled last year, with more than 100 drone operations killing over 670 people, according to an AFP tally, and the CIA has said the covert programme has severely disrupted al Qaeda’s leadership.
A US drone strike in North Waziristan tribal region near the Afghan border on Thursday killed three militants.
It was the fourth such attack reported in Pakistan’s tribal badlands on the Afghan border, which Washington has dubbed the global headquarters of al Qaeda, since US Navy SEALs killed bin Laden in Abbottabad....
One would expect the Pakistan government to breath a sigh of relief the USA was taking down some of the most deadly criminals in the world, but, no, not Pakistan. After all, there is India and Kashmir.
It is more than interesting to realize Pakistan is the lauching point for young Islamic men that seek to experience and particiapte in Jihad. I refer to John Walker Lindh. As soon as that story was realized everyone should have known what the USA and allies were facing in the region.
Lindh is interesting from the standpoint of where young men go to fight the holy war. He never wanted to fight the USA, he was interested in fulfilling an 'ideal.' How lucky for bin Laden to have all these young men come to a common place to fight jihad. You talk about a 'set up,' a general couldn't hope for better. And, did Pakistan ever stop it? NOooooooo.....
Was Pakistan ever an ally? At one time it tried to be, during that time we had decent people within its leadership, but, with the death of Benazir Bhutto and so many of her family over the decades; all one has to realize is the corruption and distain that country has for civilization.
This is what the Taliban are doing to the peolpe in Pakistan, yet what does the Pakistan Parliament do? Single out the USA to try to gain power over our military.
It is the 'warlord' culture that can't be destroyed and it is the 'warlords' that will cause problems from now to the end of time. Just think about it, you could be a warlord, too.
Warlords are crime bosses. Same thing. Corruption.
A man, (click here) who lost his family member in twin suicide bombs attacks, reacts as he talks on a phone in Peshawar, Pakistan on Friday, May 13, 2011. Twin explosions struck a paramilitary training center in northwestern Pakistan on Friday, in the bloodiest attack in the country since a U.S. raid killed al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden. (AP photo)