Sunday, July 04, 2010

There was an interview today that really pissed me off. Said Jawad, the ambassador to Karzai (transcript at title to entry - thank you)

Marines patrolled in Helmand Province in April while an Afghan girl harvested poppy. This year's blight might drive up opium prices, aiding insurgents.

The man never once apologized for the corruption in his country, he never once stated the poppy cultivation has to stop, he only sought to make excuses for the continued presence of USA troops.  This was his 'best shot.'

...CROWLEY: Let me ask you in the final minute we have left two quick questions. Is the U.S. deadline of beginning to pull out troops in July of next year helpful to Afghanistan?
JAWAD: No. Frankly not. For two reasons. First, if you overemphasize a deadline that is not realistic, you are making the enemy a lot more bold. You are prolonging the war. If that deadline should be realistic, that deadline should be based on the reality on the ground, and we should give a clear message to the enemy, to the terrorists who are a threat to everyone that the United States, NATO and Afghans are there to finish the job. If that's not the feeling, we lose the support of the Afghan people and also make the neighboring countries who have an interest a lot more bolder to interfere in Afghanistan....

"W"rong you little pip squeak.  If the Afghan forces can't get their act together WHEN we leave according to a timeline that ends this hideous occupation of Afghanistan, then when there is escalating hatred of the USA and NATO that results from Afghanistan, we won't be NICE anymore and use the Army Field Manual, we'll simply DROP  BOMBS !!!!!!!!

Now, stop your damn whining and be a country worthy of the effort afforded it to day for God Sake.