Saturday, July 03, 2010

I've had enough. Anderson, shut up. You don't even try to apply logic to THE RULES Admiral Allen has applied to the DANGER of RAW OIL.

There is going to be increased 'outings' in the area by eco-tourism that are concerned about getting 'the truth.'  See, Anderson, no one really believes the government is DOING NOTHING or that there is not an effort to stop the oil rupture.

Tansparency doesn't matter if people are hurt or killed.  Medical Units are requried to apply CONFIDENTIALITY to every patient it treats.


So, in realizing people are allowed confidentiality to insure their privacy and treatement, do you think there should be 'Carte Blanc Cameras' everywhere?

I can see it now, a person comes out of the examination room with some disturbing news and the first thing they meet is Anderson and a Camera; "So, tell me sir, are you going to live or die, our viewers want to know?"

Go to hell, Anderson !  And everyone that is as disgusted with this mess as I am should say the same thing !

Admiral Thad Allen is a valuied member of 'the team' that is trying to 'end this mess.'  I believe Presideent Obama needs to ask the scientists, engineers from both the government and BP to have an open news conference where they can ILLUSTRATE on 'White/Black Boards' the intricacies of the entire disaster and where this is all going.,

It would help end this 'media circus' that believes it has to be compeletey Anti-Government in order to acheive a goal for the public.  Whatever that goal is, is a good question because there is no satisfying them.

Give them millions upon millions of miles of boom to fight a hurricane and they cry for more when it was ruined in the first attemtps that should have never been tried.

I doubt a news conference would do any good either, but, what the hell.

We want booms, we want skimmers, we want dispersants, no, no, we want different dispersants, no, no, no we want no dispersants and just skimmers.  No, no, we want, we want and we want some more.

Well, the truth of the matter is that the circumstances are hopeless, they have been hopeless and every person that is an expert that I know has all their oars in the water trying to fight this disaster.

The only thing that is going to close that damn hole is a subterranian explosion and I have said that from the beginning, but, no one listens.

The RULES of what was to happen with such a disaster as this were 'set up' with complete disregard to the citizens of this country and their right to have a life and a 'way of life.'  The RULES were 'set up' a long time before the Obama administration came into the White House and I do believe the President is doing his level best at trying to end this mess.

No one will say it though.  All the USA media wants to do is create a circus for their ratings.  Capitalistic Media at its best.  Nearly worthless and crying like children that they can't have every opportunity to exploit a disaster that has cost the USA their Gulf Fisheries.

And I sincerely don't care if there are 'no hydrocarbons' in the fish.  There are more than hydrocarbons in the water.  There are chemicals in the water and no one is testing for that, are they?

The Untied States has budgetary issues.  While BP is 'footing the bill' in the Gulf, it still takes time and money to train recruits and develop strategies and plans to allow 'deep access' that will provide the citizens of the country the information they are looking for while keeping HUMAN BEINGS and BIOTIC content as safe as can be achieved. 

The Coast Guard is simply 'doing its job' and 'limiting the danger' to the public, including the media.

I realize there are people that have committed their lives to covering this event in US history to the end and Anderson is one of them.  He is a New Orleans resident and feels a deep commitment.  I admire commitment THAT MATTERS, but, to allow human injury or danger to exist among vessels that have never been achored this close together before in a SEA OF COMBUSTABLE material is insane.

There should be a PERIMETER where NO ONE has access except the USA military. 


Do I believe Admiral Allen is trying to HIDE something POLITICAL that benefits the PRESIDENT.

No !

I believe Admiral Allen has an impossible job and he is tired of having BP fail over and over and over again.  He has had to become a petroleum drilling expert in a very short period of time and he has done a remarkable job.  Absolutely remarkable and I don't give a damn who says otherwise !

The fact of the matter is FAILURE  HAPPENS  AT  MANY  LEVELS.  I also believe there has been really POOR coverage of 'anything' except 'adrenalin charged' moments so citizens continue to be aggitated enough to carry on until the elections in November. 

There have been no investigations by the media to the 'input' Louisiana Lawmakers had to implementing 'emergency measures' when such an emergency POTENTIAL existed.  NONE.  Everyone is Louisiana that is a lawmaker is PERFECT.  Absolutely perfect.  Do I hear Jindal apologizing for his LACK OF INSIGHT?  No.  Do I hear Parish Presidents' apologize for their insistance on 'greed' over 'livelihoods?'  No.  Do I hear anyone from Louisiana apologize to THE NATION for being focused on oil wealth over the best interest of the USA fisheries?  No.

What I do hear are a lot of whiney politicians that seem to ENJOY pointing to failure rather than success and how oil drilling is more important than the fisheries it destroys for generation after generation.  Not even a fisherman's death by his own hand when his value system was being destroyed day after day in the face of 'false hope' does it stop them.

Amazing and they call themselves moral men. 

I am demanding the US Coast Guard set up a 'protective layer' of distance from the oil rupture that will provide for citizens to witness the disaster in a way that satifies their 'need to know' while protecting their lives and well being.  If citizens are so concerned they will be 'viewing' the area to discern their own roll in this disaster then they have a reason to have their 'knowledge base DEFINED.'

Most biologists that work with complex issues have a clear understanding of how the public has a right to know what is transpiring.  The land, regardless of ownership, still belongs ultimately to the government.  The government oversees issues and protects the public no matter how much a private land owner believes they have 'rights' to its exclusive use and sale.  That is true with the leases of the land for mineral rights.  Ultimately, it is the USA that has domaine over all that occurs.  The USA is comprised of citizens that require their government to be honest and forthright in their dealings, otherwise, there are consequences.  Those consequences are being upheld under this President.  Thank goodness and finally.

The problem is the BP disaster in the Gulf of Mexico is very complicated.  It has occured, with complications, by the indulgence of the petroleum industry in disgusting ways by past administrations.  That was pure unadulterated corruption and the current disaster is the RESULT.  That is not Admiral Allen's fault, but, gratefully he has consented to 'see this through' no different that Mr. Cooper has.  Admiral Allen is already sensitive to the needs of the public and how to best address them.  He is about as honest a man as the USA Coast Guard has and it would be a huge loss to the effort to resolve this disaster to have him leave now. 

Admiral Allen has to see his way through to stay and continue to oversee the Gulf Disaster and provide continutity to its resolve.  I don't see it any other way and if he says 'jump' everyone needs to ask 'how high.'  Just that simple.  If he says PRIVACY is paramount, then it is.  If he sees 85 feet or 65 feet or whateve that ridiculously small number is, is required for a SAFETY MARGIN, then it is. 


Let's hope the relief wells will stop this insanity. 

Until then. 

We keep on, keepin' on and BP gets to satisfy their conscience by paying the costs.

In the meantime, the 'experts' need to 'contribute' to the 'knowledge base' available to the citizens of the USA.  I thank them for their help in achieving a concern for the citizens as well as their roll in stopping and minimizing the damage to our fisheries.  We don't want, nor do we need offshore oil drilling anymore.  We are moving toward a 'greener' USA and that is the most moral way a citizen can see their roll in all this.