What I heard on the radio regarding this young woman should never be said. I don't care if it was within an Evangelical radio station, these ? adults ? did nothing but ridicule Constance and blamed her for the poor participation at her prom.
The poor attendance at Constane's prom was brought on by her school. If she and her female girlfriend were allowed to attend without question, there would have been no problems. I find the victimization of this young lady really pathetic. The Evangelicals are teaching their children to hate and not tolerate. It really is a shame that religious pundits can't seem to handle issues that sincerely are none of their business.
Constance had every right to attend her prom with the partner of her choice and dressing as she chose. This is outragously bigoted, it is difficult to believe there are people of faith involved in this matter at all. Maybe children are the only venue where the Evangelicals find success for their form of fanaticism.
What was even more unbelievable about the hatred this Evangelical station was espousing was their complaint about 'Dirty Dancing' and how school administrators were unable to enforce BODY MOVEMENTS on a high school dance floor. Please don't ask these jerks to be chaperones. They'll end up with a lawsuit on behalf of any public school.
Control body movements. Wow, just a little out of touch with freedom of expression and mental health.
I believe this young lady needs a lot of social support. None of this is her fault; she and her friends never asked for their current burden. We don't need more young people feeling desperate about life.