The LADY below is Cindy Sheehan. And what a lady she is. The Patriot.
Cindy Sheehan plans tent-city protest (click title to entry - thank you)
But, when a GOVERNOR starts succeeding in elections threatening to secede, that is treason.
The sovereignty of the USA is not a game and the people that elected him to run again aren't children.
What if Ahnold stated he was going to lead California to secede?
Or Patterson in New York?
Or C(h)rist in Florida?
Political jargon? Not hardly.
I guess it is just a 'Facebook thing' after all.
It is quite one aspect of anger to burn a flag, protest peacefully to be recognized, it is quite something else to bring guns to a Town Hall Meeting. Guns intimidate and that is exactly why they were carried by these nut cases of the Republican Right Wing. The Town Hall meetings were to hear constituent concerns and there was absolutely no issue surrounding the Second Amendment in dispute. There were elected federal public officials at those meetings and if security was an issue I am quite confident the 'guests' at the meeting with their Senator or Congressperson would have requested same and received it. There was no reason what so ever at all for gun toting Tea Baggers upset about the outcome to the elections of 2008 to be given validity in their obvious and violently threatening behavior. If guests to Town Halls want protection and feel threatened they should let their elected federal officials know they want a police presence to protect them.