Marja was their base of operations. $200,000 US per day was paid in taxes by the opium traders. If President Obama didn't re-enter Afghanistan the Taliban and al Qaeda would have grown into a global power.
Thanks to the Pakistan President and the military. Shazam !
I guess there are tons of land mines, huh? That's alright, be careful, its all good. I am proud of our military. They are to be contended with.
Top Taleban commander Mullah Baradar captured in Pakistan: report (click here)
A senior official tells ABC News that "several days" ago U.S. and Pakistani intelligence captured the Taliban's Number 2, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, and he is providing intelligence.
"This operation was an enormous success," the official told ABC News. "It is a very big deal."
Baradar is second to only Mullah Mohammed Omar in the Afghan Taliban, and is the commander of the organization on a daily basis. The story of his capture was first reported by Mark Mazzetti and Dexter Filkins of the New York Times.
A U.S. counterterrorism official, while refusing to confirm the news of Baradar's capture, told ABC News that "if he were taken off the battlefield, it would deal a major setback to the Afghan Taliban and be a personal blow to Mullah Omar, who has relied heavily on him for years."...