Tuesday, February 16, 2010

When Glenn Beck warns the Tea Baggers about Progressives, these are the folks.

No guns. They believe in peace. They want health care and not warfare. They are real people that want Single Payer and all sorts of social programs. They are not wayward people on an evil mission to the USA Treasury. They are decent people that deserve protection from violence.

I've had enough of the 'hate' espoused by Murdoch and Limbaugh. From morning until night Rush Limbaugh talks about nothing else. He covers no news, when all the other news media was reporting Olympic news about cross country skiing, Rush Limbaugh was quoting Chris Christy because his speech today was nothing but hate of unions and right wing rhetoric.

There is nothing healthy about the Limbaugh and Murdoch media service and they need to be reined in.

The Progressive Party of the USA are nice people, they are non-violent and they are correct from their point of view. If the USA backed off any war it could easily affored health care for all. They have a right to want a world entrenched in peace and wellness. The Tea Baggers, Limbaugh, Beck and Murdoch have no right to even approach a single word of hate that would overshadow their lives. Something needs to be done by the FCC and it needs to be done before all this mess gets out of hand.