Leave everything where it is, there is every indication those reserves, to whatever capacity they exist belong to future generations and not us. We have over extended our use of fossil fuels in the last century and basically didn't explore alternatives feeling entitlement to finite resources that belong to future generations of Americans. Earth and a global community is paying the price for exploitive USA Energy policies.
Future generations of Americans have a right to this country's resources no different than the current generations do. Greed has replaced justice.
An energy answer in the shale below? (click title to entry - thank you)
New technology opens vast stores of natural gas, and the land rush is on
...This corner of the state is at the forefront of an old-fashioned land rush that has implications far beyond Conklin, N.Y. Oil and gas companies are vying to stake out territory where they can tap natural gas trapped in shale rock. Just a few years ago, the industry didn't have the technology to unlock these reserves. But thanks to advances in horizontal drilling and methods of fracturing rock with high-pressure blasts of water, sand and chemicals, vast gas reserves in the United States are suddenly within reach....