There has been very startling events occurring in the North Atlantic. There is significant release of Methane Gas.
Methane gas seeps from seabed outside Svalbard (click here)
A scientific study shows that the powerful greenhouse gas methane is escaping from the Arctic seabed. This could be a response to climate change and higher ocean temperatures and accelerate climate changes even more....
The exact article is here:
Warming Ocean Contributes to Global Warming (click here)
The warming of an Arctic current over the last 30 years has triggered the release of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, from methane hydrate stored in the sediment beneath the seabed....
The Permian Extinction was caused by warming of Earth. Earth's oceans lost 99% of its phytoplanton following the release of Methane Gas from the oceans as the Earth warmed at an incredibly faster rate with atmospheric methane climbing. The only phytoplankton that survived the Permian Extinction was the Silicon based single celled plants.
As carbon dioxide enters the ocean and there is more and more of it in the ocean it produces carbonic acid. Acidic oceans do not allow for the 'shells' of marine species to form. Therefore the oxygen producing single celled plants that are necessary for the breathable oxygen on Earth can't survive as their use of calcium carbonate is vital. However, with acidic seas the calcium carbonate is dissolved and unavailable.
The silicon content of the oceans is far lower than the calcium carbonate, so even though there are some Silicon Based Shelled phytoplanton that survives such a warming event, there is very little to produce enough oxygen to support all life currently on Earth.
For those seeking wealth in the Arctic Ocean and believe the oceans becoming acidic is just a 'sign' that Earth's warming is to benefit to humans, reconsider; when the oceans are warm enough, the phytoplanton that produce your very breath will die.
Carbon dioxide sequestration would be an excellant idea long about now. And. Oh, yeah. The best place to prevent the CO2 from re-entering the troposphere is where it can be frozen all year long. Like. Antarctica. Or. The Arctic Ocean. Stored in seamless stainless steel tanks without VALVES, but, sealed and buried in a location very, very cold so even if a tank should develop a leak, the carbon would be too cold to escape.
Hate to tell you, I told you so. But. I told you so. In 2003 I gave it five years after the vortices showed up. I was a year off.
Currently, the weather at Glacier Bay National Park (crystal wind chime) is:
Local Time: 11:06 PM AKDT on September 09, 2009 (GMT -08)
Lat/Lon: 58.8° N 137.0° W
Elevation :: 33 feet
Temperature :: 57 F
Conditions :: Overcast
Humidity :: 77%
Dew Point :: 50 F
Wind :: 12 mph from the SE
Pressure :: 29.79 in (Rising)
Visibility :: 10.0 miles
UV :: 0 out of 16
Clouds :: Scattered Clouds 3500 ft
Mostly Cloudy 4700 ft
Overcast 6500 ft
(Above Ground Level)