There is some skepticism that the leadership of the Democratic legislature is not as aggressive as they should be. I don't know if that is the case. I think they are quite used to 'surviving' the day with Republicans that are not interested in the country so much as they are interested in their own faux agenda for the country.
I have confidence that Speaker Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Reid are working diligently to bring The National Health Reform Bill to a conclusion as soon as possible. They are not 'selling out' to the minority of Republicans that can't get out of the way of much needed health care reform. The Republicans are staging a revolt, rather than working with the current majority legislature to insure the American people will be 'safe' and 'protected' in their health care needs. The Republicans are 'staging' the revolt with the assistance of propagandists.
What is one to do? They're jerks. At the end of the day, the nation will finally see in 'whom's hands' the country is best served. It won't be 'the jerks' or their propagandists.
I'll tell you why they are jerks. The scenario below where I discussed the 'torn cartilage' that would cost 'out of pocket' a minimum of $10,000 is a health care plan 'designed' to refuse care. It collects monthly fees and makes the health care needed so unaffordable that subscribers have to stay ill and take pain medications until they can save up for the surgery. These type of health care plans are 'scams.' They are cheap for employers to buy while supplying the minimalist of services. Yet they are allowed to exist and are pointed to as good alternatives to a national health reform.
There is no way Great West, with their unreasonable deductibles that are somewhat unrealized until the health care need arises, should be allowed to conduct business in the USA. They are scam artists masquerading as health care insurance companies. They should not exist, but do. The government option for health care is a requirement to rid the country of these lousy plans. People aren't safe. The Republicans that back private health care without a government option are jerks. They either are incompetent and act as figure heads for their party or they simply don't care about the people they are supposed to serve.
End of discussion.
The House and Senate need to do their job and they were elected into a majorty along with a Democratic President to do exactly that. The Propaganda Blitz that is attempting to scare the nation to death regarding health care reform is about 'doing damage' to the Democratic Majority, it isn't about health care. It is about 'scoring' against a majority to re-elect the Republicans. The Democratic Majority has to prove their efforts are 'best' by carrying through in confidence of the majority they hold.
Now, get on with it.
...The newspaper Roll Call this month (click title to entry - thank you) reported that Reid had told his point person, Sen. Max Baucus of Montana, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, that doing away with the public option and taxing employer-sponsored health care benefits to bring Republicans on board wouldn’t be worth the loss of Democratic support....