We need to address a health care system that is out of control and increasingly so. The economy won't recover well if we do not address this issue.

One thing the Democrats have to realize is that health care workers are scared they will lose their inflated pay scales, including MDs. So, this is a very difficult pill to swallow for many because they are scared of the 'unknown.'
I don't trust the Wall Street polls as that is Murdock and there is nothing News Corp puts out that is quality anymore with the exception of an occassional editorial from the old staff.
...In the Times/CBS poll (click title to entry - thank you), attitudes about how Obama is handling the health-care issue have remained roughly the same since mid-June. In the new survey, 46 percent approved of how he is dealing with the matter, while 38 percent disapproved. In the June poll, 44 percent approved and 34 percent disapproved....
Also, these polls are NOT REFLECTIVE of the populous of the country since the President has been touring and speaking to citizens. We need move this forward. Time is wasting. The American Research Group is a household survey and was also completed before the President toured the states to speak with people concerned about the changes in the country's infrastructure, primarily with healthcare.
July 21, 2009
Obama Job Approval DropsAs Expectations of a Rapid Economic Recovery Fade (click here)
A total of 52% of Americans say they approve of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as president, which is down from 57% in June, and 44% say they disapprove of the way Obama is handling his job, which is up from 41% in June, according to the latest survey from the American Research Group. When it comes to Obama's handling of the economy, 47% of Americans approve and 47% disapprove.
Among Americans registered to vote, 51% approve of the way Obama is handling his job as president and 46% disapprove. On Obama's handling of the economy, 46% of registered voters approve and 48% disapprove.
The drop in Obama's overall approval rating comes as expectations of an economic recovery are extended beyond a year. A total of 44% of Americans say they expect the national economy to be better a year from now, down from 51% in June. Of those saying they approve of the way Obama is handling his job, 70% say they expect the national economy will be better a year from now, which is down from 81% in June. Of those saying they disapprove of the way Obama is handling his job, 15% say they expect the national economy will be better a year from now, which is up from 13% in June....
Look, people. I am as concerned as anyone, but, I am not scared of the future so long as we can acheive a new National Health Care Reform Bill with President Obama and the current legislature. I am more SCARED of NOT reforming health care. There are people in this country that are deserving of the 'best of our efforts' to change the face of health care. We need to do this and we need to do it now.
Thank you.