After reading newspapers daily and examining satellite images, while looking in on carbon dioxide readings at Mauna Loa Labs in Hawaii (They were 'online' then before Bush yanked them offline.) I discovered Northern Hemispheric Vortexes on October 4, 2002. I could not believe my eyes.
At the time some scientists, while curious, deemed them an 'Earth Phenomena' that would run its course and be done with it. However, these were NOT the occassional Arctic Oscillation OR North Atlantic Oscillation; they were occurring 'both' at the same time. This 'occurrence' was no 'normal' cycle; this was 'developing' into a tropospheric disaster that only time would reveal.
In a short period of time, approximately six months, the vortices (one is pictured above) went from two; one in the North Atlantic and one in the North Pacific below Alaska, to as many as seven at one time all in a necklace at the Arctic Circle. They all sustained and oscillated in number, but, they never disappeared and they continue until today.
By March of 2003, as the USA entered into the illegal and highly immoral invasion into Iraq, I realized there would be a governmental review of the Clear Air Act coming up in Raleigh, NC. It was time for the 'New Source Review' and I felt someone had to herald the issue of Human Induced Global Warming. I felt as a people, a country; we had gone too far and people weren't paiding attention.
I gathered up a collection of facts, formulated opinions and used 'collective scientific knowledge' and then made testimony at The New Source Review. It was the first time carbon dioxide was included in testimony to the EPA and it rattled the 'Rovian Bushites.' Within my testimony I called CO2 a toxic gas when in higher concentrations in the troposphere of Earth.
I gave verbal testimony in a 5 minute statement where I also protested the use of dolphins by the military on April 2, 2003. I followed it up with a submitted written document (click title to entry) on May 1, 2003. Within two weeks of my final submission on May 1, 2003 to the EPA regarding CO2 to The New Source Review; the President himself made a public statement. A simple statement, "There is no such thing as Global Warming and Carbon Dioxide could never be a toxic gas."
See, the Bush White House didn't appreciate CO2 being included in The New Source Review. It would mean that an 'entity' actually recognized it as a danger to the American Populous and the government might have to regulate carbon dioxide.
That was then.
What I am about to place on this blog today, is NOW.