Thursday, October 16, 2008

Another Right Wing Propaganda Stunt

Joe The Plumber: Not A Licensed Plumber, Real Name Not Joe
Posted by Jason Cherkis on Oct. 16, 2008, at 3:14 pm

Joe Wurzelbacher spoke to Senator Barack Obama about taxes while the candidate campaigned near Toledo, Ohio, last week. (Photo: Jim Young/Reuters)


Leave it to McCain to find the most pathetic argument in the country to cut taxes. It should be no surprise really, McCain picked a governor known for abuse of power as a Vice Presidential Candidate. There is just plain bad judgement by McCain every place one looks.

There is no one out there paying taxes on a quarter of a million US that doesn't understand their necessity to do so. Sorry, they just don't win my sympathy.

McCain just isn't big on securing the best interest of his campaign. First he doesn't care about vetting a Veep Candidate and now this. When does McCain actually become real, if he is capable
of it. Next thing you know, Bin Laden will be Homeland Security Secretary after he's had a face lift.

What is even more interesting, is the media thinks the 'stunt' Joe pulled is a good idea and is rewarding his spirit to innovate an arguement as if its real. That is amazing. The media is nothing but the propaganda arm of the Right Wing. It just is.

Samuel J. Wurzelbacher has issues. He defrauded a reality to disaffect an election. I wonder what name he is actually voting under, IF he votes at all.

The American Dream since the invention of 'American Idol,' is to make a fool out of a politician and win a million dollars. Maybe Sam needs to take his show on the road. He seems to be able to do imitations without any trouble. He could actually find himself in that upper 2% tax bracket after all. Better yet, he needs to be arrested for at least a misdemeanor in attempting to create a fraudulent event that could cause the American people the best President this country has ever seen.

The fact of the matter is that a small business paying taxes on a Quarter of a Million US is taking in a whole lot more. That business is taking in enough receipts to pay salaries, have purchasing power for supplies, office space and HOPEFULLY health insurance if they value their employees that much.

And those expenses that come off the income a small business, is actually feeding more small businesses or even big businesses such as UPS or FedEx. To 'score' a tax burden on a Quarter of a Million US is a significant business and to add to the dynamics of that business such as insuring HUMAN BEINGS that produce product to enhance the business' bottom line will not cause greater damage to the USA economy. It will enhance it.

For every check a small business has to write while achieving a profitable bottom line is more economic growth. Obama knows what he is doing and its about time the USA rewarded THE RIGHT GUY and elected him into the White House.