U.S. Sens. Baucus, Grassley work to protect rural health clinics (click here)
WASHINGTON – Sen. Max Baucus, chairman of the Committee on Finance, and Sen. Chuck Grassley, ranking member, are concerned that a proposed change to the existing Medicare requirements for rural health clinics would force some clinics to close. The senators are seeking an extension of the public comment period on the proposed changes to allow states and clinics more time to weigh in.
Baucus said, “If finalized, this CMS rule would undermine access to care in rural areas. The method CMS has proposed for certifying rural health clinics doesn’t make sense and will jeopardize the sustainability of crucial clinics in Montana and throughout the country. I call on CMS to extend the comment period so that the effects of this ill-conceived proposal can be thoroughly considered.”
Grassley said, “Rural health clinics are often the only health care option for people in rural communities. That’s especially true with high fuel costs that make it harder to travel long distances to cities for health care. An additional 60 days for public comment on the proposed changes would allow states and clinics more time to evaluate the effects on health care access in Iowa and other rural states.”
A proposed rule issued by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services on June 27 would change many of the existing requirements for rural health clinics. Comments on the proposed rule are due August 26, 2008. Baucus and Grassley are asking for an extension of the comment period for an additional 60 days to allow states and clinics more time to analyze the likely effects of the proposed rule and its potential for closing rural health clinics in many areas of the country. Separately, Sens. Gordon Smith and Ron Wyden, also members of the Finance Committee, sent a letter, co-signed by 12 other senators, asking for additional information and requesting an extension of the comment period.
The text of the Baucus-Grassley letter follows here....
September 2, 2008
(202) 224-4515
Finance Chairman says panel’s study of reform topics
will remain an important focus this fall
Washington, DC – Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) today
announced the next three hearings in the panel’s year-long review of issues in heath care reform.
Baucus said the September hearings will focus on health care quality, delivery system reform, and
insurance market reform. Throughout 2008, Baucus has convened hearings, roundtables, and
events to prepare for congressional action on health reform next year. Baucus said today that he
intends for the panel’s comprehensive examination....
NFIB Commends Sens. Baucus, Grassley for Holding Healthcare Summit (click here)
CONTACT: Stephanie Cathcart, 202-314-2056
Looks forward to continued dialogue on healthcare reform
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Dan Danner, executive vice president of the National Federation of Independent Business, the nation's leading small business association, issued the following statement in reaction to the Senate Finance Committee's "Prepare for Launch: Health Reform Summit 2008:"
"The National Federation of Independent Business applauds Chairman Max Baucus and Ranking Member Chuck Grassley for calling attention to the urgent need for healthcare reform. Americans realize that bipartisan cooperation is necessary if we are ever to achieve affordable coverage that is available to all. Small business owners and their employees are acutely aware of the challenges in finding affordable, accessible healthcare coverage. In fact, this issue is the top concern for small business owners and employees and has been for many years....
Main Category: Medicare / Medicaid / SCHIP
Also Included In: Seniors / Aging
Article Date: 07 Jul 2008 - 6:00 PDT
The American Health Care Association (AHCA) and the National Association for the Support of Long Term Care (NASL) praised Senator Max Baucus (D-MT) for urging that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) maintain the exception process to Medicare Part B therapy caps. "We thank Senator Baucus for leading the fight in Congress to protect seniors' access to critical rehabilitative services," stated Bruce Yarwood, President and CEO of AHCA. "On behalf of the millions of Medicare beneficiaries cared for by AHCA members, we echo Senator Baucus' call for CMS to delay implementation of the onerous therapy caps." "More than 700,000 Medicare beneficiaries will exceed their limit on Part B outpatient therapies this year, and it is critical to extend the exceptions process to allow these individuals to continue receiving the care they need and deserve," stated Peter Clendenin, Executive Vice President of NASL....