A FARC member.

This is a 2005 population map of South America. Bush needs to stop cross border intrusions between Columbia and it's neighbors.
Colombia boosts security against possible rebel retaliation (click here)
BOGOTA, March 2 (Xinhua) -- Colombia stepped up its security Sunday against possible retaliation from the country's largest rebel group after the killing of the group's No. 2 leader Raul Reyes.
Colombia's Interior Minister Carlos Holguin said he doubted the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) had the capacity to revenge the death of Reyes, whose real name is Luis Edgar Navia Silva.
Reyes, a possible successor to the group's head Manuel Marulanda, was killed in an attack on a jungle camp across the Colombia-Ecuador border Saturday.
Ecuador has recalled its ambassador to Colombia, Fransisco Suescum, to protest the attack, which it says took place three km inside Ecuadorian territory.
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has also criticized the Colombian forces for entering the Ecuadorian territory.
In a public move backing Ecuador, Venezuela has placed its armed forces on high alert, closed its embassy in Colombia and mobilized troops to the Colombian border.
Editor: Jiang Yuxia
Chavez didn't say anything about FARC, his focus is on the sovereignty of nations and the fact Columbia launched an attack across the border with Ecuador. Columbia's aggression could be viewed as a hostile act against Ecuador by crossing the border. Columbia had no right to do that. Just that simple.
Since September 11, 2001, George Walker Bush has poured billions of $US into Columbia to fight 'The Global War on Terror."
FARC has been around forever. It is a paramilitary organization but also sanctioned by many as 'rebels with a cause.' That 'cause' if you will, is the fact BEFORE there was a Global War on Terror by Bush there was 'drug money' and plenty of it. That money is everywhere and is used in transactions that even elect political figures. FARC is not a terrorist organization, in that, it had not a darn thing to do with September 11, 2001. Yet, rather than fight the war that should have been fought in Afghanistan, Bush and Cheney start conflicts all over the world and this is still another one.
The relationship of the USA in Columbia has been a long standing one in that the USA sponsors 'anti-drug' campaigns. The USA has done this for years without any success. Why? Because Columbia is supported by the drug trade. So, in order to keep the monies flowing from the USA, Columbia is obligated to carry out an attack against FARC, just to keep everything legitimate with the outcomes the USA is seeking. This time Columbia went to far. They launched a cross border attack into another sovereign nation in order to kill a high profile NARC member.
Now, Columbia is afraid the paramilitaries will retaliate. They probably will. Here again, if Columbia is willing to cross the border of Ecuador to kill FARC members and in response there is an increase in violence at the borders of Columbia with the rebels, neither Ecuador or Venezuela need the violence trickling back into their countries. By securing their borders against infiltration of the anticipated escalation of bloodshed in Columbia, both Ecuador and Venezuela are limiting the impact of that reality to their country, hence, keeping it all in Columbia, where quite frankly it belongs.