From the NYT's Op-Ed ...It was under Ms. Bhutto’s watch that the Pakistani intelligence agency, Inter-Services Intelligence, first installed the Taliban in Afghanistan. It was also at that time that hundreds of young Islamic militants were recruited from the madrassas to do the agency’s dirty work in Indian Kashmir. It seems that, like some terrorist equivalent of Frankenstein’s monster, the extremists turned on both the person and the state that had helped bring them into being....
Little can be disputed about the origins of the ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence) or the fact the Bhuttos' opposed it's very existence. The ISI are blunderers. Very dangerous blunderers. The ISI has been in existence in Pakistan since the 1940s and has been the power broker of it's leadership, EXCEPT, for the Bhuttos. So to make the statement that Benazir was using them to instill the Taliban is an outrageous and blatant lie.
The ISI literally placed Musharraf in control of Pakistan.
The ISI was opposed by the once President of Pakistan, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, Benazir's father because of it's role in the hostilities that caused a division in East and West Pakistan resulting in the country of Bangledesh.
It is safe to say, it is the ISI which runs the country of Pakistan and not it's political leadership. It is also safe to say anytime the ISI has attempted to deploy Pakistani military power in any region of Pakistan it has failed and resulted in people/populous that are determined to lead themselves than be brutalized by the ISI forces or the political power structure that backs them. It is obvious that is what occurred with Bangledesh, now in Kashmir and with the Taliban in Pakistan re-establishing themselves in Afghanistan.
It is the ISI which saw the indictment of Former President Zulfikar Bhutto for his desire to see the ISI ended. He was eventually and wrongfully executed for his resistance of them. It was the ISI which lead an illegal war with India, called the Kargil War, which India over turned causing the most recent tensions between the two countries. The Kargil War having been lost by Pakistan, caused internal economic and political strife and placed Perez Musharraf in the position of General-President.
The ISI is an entity which needs to be resolved to it's influence and organization. It's nearly as bad as al Qaeda itself and no one can tell me they don't know where Osama bin Laden is living.
In a statement recently, Hillary Clinton stated it could have been the Pakistani government itself that was responsible for Benazir Bhutto's death. It was the ISI of which Senator Clinton referred. The ISI is located primarily in Rawalpindi, the very city Benazir was assassinated.
Musharraf Denies Agencies Had Role In Bhutto Death (click here)
...Musharraf told reporters authorities were not responsible for a security lapse that led to the killing of the opposition leader and former prime minister in a gun and suicide-bomb attack in Rawalpindi on December 27.
"In the last three months, there have been 19 suicide bombings, most of them against the military, against the intelligence," he said.
"If the same military and same intelligence is using the same people who are attacking them, it's a joke."
Musharraf said an al Qaeda-linked militant based on the Afghan border, Baitullah Mehsud, was behind most of the recent suicide bombings as well as the attack on Bhutto. Bhutto had spoken out about the need to tackle militancy.
Many Pakistanis believe other Bhutto enemies, perhaps in sections of the security agencies, were involved.
"No intelligence organization in Pakistan, I think, is capable of indoctrinating a man to blow himself up," Musharraf said....
Regardless, the ISI is a world level threat to stability in the region if not on a global scale. It has been mentioned in most of the regions violence as well as far flung estimates in supporting the attacks of September 11, 2001 on the USA. I sincerely believe the ISI needs to be dismantled and beheaded. It has such wide ranging power that it could easily be re-organized by mercenaries seeking the simple 'joy' of the hunt and the kill, no different than Blackwater, USA.
The New York Times should really have their Op-Eds based in reality rather than mysticism.
Little can be disputed about the origins of the ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence) or the fact the Bhuttos' opposed it's very existence. The ISI are blunderers. Very dangerous blunderers. The ISI has been in existence in Pakistan since the 1940s and has been the power broker of it's leadership, EXCEPT, for the Bhuttos. So to make the statement that Benazir was using them to instill the Taliban is an outrageous and blatant lie.
The ISI literally placed Musharraf in control of Pakistan.
The ISI was opposed by the once President of Pakistan, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, Benazir's father because of it's role in the hostilities that caused a division in East and West Pakistan resulting in the country of Bangledesh.
It is safe to say, it is the ISI which runs the country of Pakistan and not it's political leadership. It is also safe to say anytime the ISI has attempted to deploy Pakistani military power in any region of Pakistan it has failed and resulted in people/populous that are determined to lead themselves than be brutalized by the ISI forces or the political power structure that backs them. It is obvious that is what occurred with Bangledesh, now in Kashmir and with the Taliban in Pakistan re-establishing themselves in Afghanistan.
It is the ISI which saw the indictment of Former President Zulfikar Bhutto for his desire to see the ISI ended. He was eventually and wrongfully executed for his resistance of them. It was the ISI which lead an illegal war with India, called the Kargil War, which India over turned causing the most recent tensions between the two countries. The Kargil War having been lost by Pakistan, caused internal economic and political strife and placed Perez Musharraf in the position of General-President.
The ISI is an entity which needs to be resolved to it's influence and organization. It's nearly as bad as al Qaeda itself and no one can tell me they don't know where Osama bin Laden is living.
In a statement recently, Hillary Clinton stated it could have been the Pakistani government itself that was responsible for Benazir Bhutto's death. It was the ISI of which Senator Clinton referred. The ISI is located primarily in Rawalpindi, the very city Benazir was assassinated.
Musharraf Denies Agencies Had Role In Bhutto Death (click here)
...Musharraf told reporters authorities were not responsible for a security lapse that led to the killing of the opposition leader and former prime minister in a gun and suicide-bomb attack in Rawalpindi on December 27.
"In the last three months, there have been 19 suicide bombings, most of them against the military, against the intelligence," he said.
"If the same military and same intelligence is using the same people who are attacking them, it's a joke."
Musharraf said an al Qaeda-linked militant based on the Afghan border, Baitullah Mehsud, was behind most of the recent suicide bombings as well as the attack on Bhutto. Bhutto had spoken out about the need to tackle militancy.
Many Pakistanis believe other Bhutto enemies, perhaps in sections of the security agencies, were involved.
"No intelligence organization in Pakistan, I think, is capable of indoctrinating a man to blow himself up," Musharraf said....
Regardless, the ISI is a world level threat to stability in the region if not on a global scale. It has been mentioned in most of the regions violence as well as far flung estimates in supporting the attacks of September 11, 2001 on the USA. I sincerely believe the ISI needs to be dismantled and beheaded. It has such wide ranging power that it could easily be re-organized by mercenaries seeking the simple 'joy' of the hunt and the kill, no different than Blackwater, USA.
The New York Times should really have their Op-Eds based in reality rather than mysticism.