Saturday, November 10, 2007

Tidal surge hits parts of Europe (Video)

November 10, 2007
0134 gmt
North Pole Satellite

The storms over Europe are coming right off the Greenland Ice sheet.

North Sea surge threatens east coast flood defences (click here)
Mark Tran and agencies
Thursday November 8, 2007
Guardian Unlimited
Residents along the east coast of England, from Yorkshire to Kent, have been warned of an "extreme danger to life and property" as six severe flood warnings were issued by the Environment Agency (EA).
The Dartford Creek and Thames barriers were set to close tonight to defend against the surge, the agency said.
Hilary Benn, the environment secretary, told MPs that a tidal surge coming down the North Sea could "overtop" flood defences in the region....

November 8, 2007
United Kingdom
Photographer states :: I didn't take this picture, but this shows the effects of the highest storm surge across large swathes of Eastern England this morning.. the largest and potentially most dangerous since 1953.