The North Carolian Long Leaf Pine range has only three old growth forests and they are significantly small in size.
Camp Lejune Tract
Size: 49 acres
Ownership: Department of Defense Marine Corps
Location: Onslow Co, NC
Boyd Tract
Size: 160 acres
Ownership: North Carolina Division of Parks and Rec.
Location: Moore Co, NC
An old (trees > 350 years) stand that had undergone fire-exclusion for ~ 80 years. Restoration efforts (burning and raking) are underway. Old turpentining scars are present on most trees, providing a unique aspect and cultural history.
Threats: wildfire danger, urban interface, non-native species invasions.
Several past and current research projects (see Gilliam et al. 1993 and others).
Bonnie Doone Tract
Size: 160 acres
Ownership: City of Fayetteville, NC
Location: Cumberland Co, NC
A rare tract of “round timber” (meaning never been turpentined) in the sandhills region of North Carolina. Stand is fire-excluded and in need of a careful restoration program.
Threats: wildfire danger, urban interface issues. No past or present research projects or publications.
Currently, the Chancellor has sold The Board of Directors on the idea of expanding the campus in population to raise revenues and make this campus a 'premier' university.
UNCW is a 'laboratory' university which has tough standards for admission, but, also has always been unique in providing experience in the biological sciences, including environmental sciences with a large population of students majoring in Biology and Marine Biology. The UNCW forest is needed for all kinds of laboratory experiences, especially when considering this is a Long Leaf Pine Forest an endangered species with completely unique properties including fire resistance.